Truncation of Output Variable

  • John Rowan (10/4/2007)

    Thanks for being humble enough to post your resolution.:)

    How else would I amass more than a thousand points?


  • MattieNH (10/4/2007)

    mrpolecat (10/4/2007)

    Are we using the same QA? I would love to know how you get QA to build the query for you.

    I bring up the Object Browser, right click on the stored procedure I want to run, and select Open. That brings up a dialog box with the parameters, which I fill in, and then I click the Execute button.

    Or maybe not if it plays tricks on you.:D

    An excellent consideration. A tool is a dangerous thing.


    Pretty cool, I've never used that before. Glad you got to the root of it.

  • When you right-click on the SP in the object browser, instead of saying 'Open', look down a bit farther and you'll see scripting options. You can script it as execute to the clipboard, file,new QA window, etc.

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • That is what I usuallly use but it doesn't provide the pretty, formatted (albeit truncated:P) output and a nifty wizard to input the variables.

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