Trying Shrinking, backup log , sp_force_shrink_log and nothing...

  • Hello people, I've a problem trying shrink the log files from 3 database.

    I tryied backup full, backup log ,truncate log , shrink , sp_force_shrink_log and nothing.

    I think that the problem is the logical name for the files, because is the same....

    like this... 3 databases.

    dbmatrix , db2 and db3 but the 3 db's came from the same backup file dbmatrix.bak. I restore dbmatrix as db2 and I did the same with db3.

    And now I've 3 distincts databases with the same log and data logic name for the files.


    dbmatriz properties

    File name        Location

    dbmatriz_data  e:\msql70\dbmatriz_data.mdf 

    dbmatriz_local  e:\msql70\dbmatriz_data.ldf 

    db2 properties

    File name        Location

    dbmatriz_data  e:\msql70\db2_data.mdf 

    dbmatriz_local  e:\msql70\db2_data.ldf 

    db3 properties

    File name        Location

    dbmatriz_data  e:\msql70\db3_data.mdf 

    dbmatriz_local  e:\msql70\db3_data.ldf 


    Maybe, when I'm trying to shrink one of the 3 db's and SQL SERVER is trying to shrink all the 3 and it didn't working out ...

    Help DBA's please...

  • Hi criswes,

    same logical names for distinct physical databases are no problem. But database shrinking is deferred on SQL Server 7.0 so you will have to wait before you will detect any effect even when using backup transactionlog with truncate only option.

    On SQL Server 2000 one has to do the backup log with truncate only and an additional DBCC shrinkfile (filename, newsize). Here shrinking is not deferred on diskspace is released at once.



  • I notice your path mssql7 which suggests you are using SQL 7. There is a known issue with trying to shirnk the log files related to the virtual logs not being able to be removed. However if you will follow the link the following script will clear them and shirnk the log file down it is from SQL Server Magazine from some time back.

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