Unable to start SQL agent with domain account

  • John Mitchell-245523 (11/27/2012)

    Sounds like you need to grant the service account the lock pages in memory right.


    Be lovely if it was that easy John 😀 we granted this in group policy but made no difference whatsoever :ermm:

  • Incredibly this was linked to the server having NOT been rebooted adter i was given assurances it would be rebooted at the weekend just gone...

    Moral of the story i guess is never believe what people tell you until you've confirmed yourself

    just mildly annoying...

  • Here is a shot in the dark...

    I had a similar error and I found that the Agent XPs wasn't enabled...

    So I enabled it using this script:


    'show advanced options', 1;




    sp_configure 'Agent XPs', 1;



    One follow up to this. If you are using AWE, you need to make sure the service account for the SQL Server service has been granted the "Lock pages in memory" privilege. I was having the same issue as the poster, and when I ran the Agent XPs script, I received a message that:

    "Address Windowing Extensions (AWE) requires the 'lock pages in memory' privilege which is not currently present in the access token of the process."

    My service account for the SQL Server Agent had been granted this privilege, but my service account for the SQL Server service had NOT been granted this privilege.

    I granted the privilege to the SQL Server service account and restarted the SQL Server service. Then I was able to run the Agent XPs script and get my SQL Server Agent started.

    One additional note about ANY SQL Server 2005 service: ALWAYS use the SQL Server Configuration Manager to start, stop and configure SQL Server 2005 services. The Configuration Manager takes care of assigning the correct permissions to the service accounts.

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