Unfaithful report layout after Excel exporting

  • Hi.

    I have created some reports for SSRS 2005 and I have noticed that when I export them in the excel format, the layout is unfaithful respect of what I can see inside the Report Manager. In Excel I must to enlarge some columns to view data correctly. This issue occurs with the RTM version of SQL Server 2005 and with the SP 3.

    Any suggests to me, please? Do I apply other SP or I upgrade to SQL Server 2008 to solve this issue? Many thanks

  • Hi, you will need to check the page layout of the report. Menu Report > Report properties > Layout tab and change the page width to 11.27in and height to 8.5in and then make sure your report canvas area is slightly larger than your table size.

  • Ok, thanks. ASAP I will try your suggest. Is it good also for the PDF export?

    In SSRS 2008, does this issue occur yet?


  • Not sure about ssrs2008 but with ssrs2005 making the changes should work.

  • I have applied your suggest, but without results.

    I have another measure respect of inch, the centimeters.

    However, I have set 8,5in for the width and 11,27in for the hight in the page size properties.

    Do I change also the interactive size? However I have tried to modify the related settings,

    with no results.

    I can see my report with some cells linked together to form a unique html cell.


  • Hi, check the size of the cells in the report designer (development studio) and look at the width size of the cell and then preview, do they preview ok? the values should not wrap down , export the report to excel, if hashes are shown this means the cell width needs to be increased. Increase the cell width so that the value is shown correctly.

  • I don't understand your suggest. The preview is correct. I have tried to enlarge the width of a cell that in Excel required 4 cells linked together, but the result is the same one.


  • Hi, can you provide a screen shot or a copy of the report so I can see what is wrong?

  • Ok

  • Hi, The field in the cells in EFH needs to be in a single cell in your report. Right click on the cells in designer and split them and then remove the extra columns. When you export now there should only be a single cell for this field.

  • ??? I have an unique cell in the report.

  • ??? I have an unique cell in the designer.

  • I am not sure why the extra 2 cells are showing. Have you tried to remove the GTC field and then exported to excel to see what happens. Try removing the detail row.

  • ??? In the preview I can see an unique cell for GTC.

  • I think that the problem is due to the two title textboxes above the data table.

    The width of these textboxes is more two-three table columns.

    Moreover it is present an image.

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