Update All Null of Field (data Tape "Bit") To False

  • Update All Null of Field (data Type "Bit") To False By T-Sql

  • UPDATE TableName

    SET ColumnName = 0

    WHERE ColumnName IS NULL

    Kingston Dhasian

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help - Jeff Moden

  • For All Table in the Data Base

    I have many Table , No one Table

  • I would do those updates manually (imho). You need to document what columns of which tables need to change, produce a script for each change that needs to be implemented, and then run those scripts - after a FULL backup.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
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  • In that case you can use the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS view, and create a Dynamic Script that will update all columns with bit data type

    It will be better if you follow Jason's suggestions as this seems to be a big and responsible task

    Try it and get back if you are stuck somewhere

    Edit: Didn't see Jason's reply before posting

    Kingston Dhasian

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help - Jeff Moden

  • Kingston Dhasian (1/16/2012)

    In that case you can use the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS view, and create a Dynamic Script that will update all columns with bit data type

    Try it and get back if you are stuck somewhere

    That will work. Here's a hint and a part of the reason I wouldn't do it (besides what I already mentioned) - you will need at least one cursor to get this working properly.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
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  • For every Column Data Type Is "Bit"

    Example :

    select * from syscolumns where xtype = 104 --: bit

  • babak3334000 (1/16/2012)

    For every Column Data Type Is "Bit"

    Example :

    select * from syscolumns where xtype = 104 --: bit


    While you are changing the values, I would seriously consider revising your database design if every column in the database is a bit field.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
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  • SQLRNNR (1/16/2012)

    Kingston Dhasian (1/16/2012)

    In that case you can use the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS view, and create a Dynamic Script that will update all columns with bit data type

    Try it and get back if you are stuck somewhere

    That will work. Here's a hint and a part of the reason I wouldn't do it (besides what I already mentioned) - you will need at least one cursor to get this working properly.

    I completely agree with you, Jason

    This is a task which has to be done responsibly and with proper documentation

    But, I don't think a CURSOR is mandatory to script out the UPDATE's

    You can do it even without a CURSOR

    Kingston Dhasian

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help - Jeff Moden

  • True if you are just scripting out the updates. I think the OP wants something that will auto-execute those updates.

    These kinds of wide sweeping data changes lend themselves to too much risk. Do it extremely cautiously and take your time doing it. Get the business to sign off on all of the changes and just do it bit by bit.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
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  • Kingston Dhasian (1/16/2012)

    In that case you can use the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS view, and create a Dynamic Script that will update all columns with bit data type...

    Just FYI: http://sqlblog.com/blogs/aaron_bertrand/archive/2011/11/03/the-case-against-information-schema-views.aspx

  • SQLRNNR (1/16/2012)

    babak3334000 (1/16/2012)

    For every Column Data Type Is "Bit"

    Example :

    select * from syscolumns where xtype = 104 --: bit

    ...I would seriously consider revising your database design if every column in the database is a bit field.

    He means 'for every column that has the bit data type', not 'every column has the bit data type' 😉

  • Kingston Dhasian (1/16/2012)

    But, I don't think a CURSOR is mandatory to script out the UPDATE's

    You can do it even without a CURSOR

    It's not, but unless you have a well-tested set-based script already, writing it using a cursor is likely to be quicker and less error-prone. Not all cursors are evil!

  • Can you try this.

    declare @queries varchar(max)

    set @queries = ''

    select @queries = @queries + 'update ' + b.name + ' set ' + a.name + ' = 0 where ' + a.name + ' is null' + char(10)

    from sys.columns a

    inner join sys.tables b on a.object_id = b.object_id

    inner join sys.types c on a.system_type_id = c.system_type_id

    where b.name != 'sysdiagrams'

    and c.name = 'bit'

    order by b.name, a.name

    print @queries--to verify the queries to be executed

    --exec(@queries)--execute your query

    "Often speak with code not with word,
    A simple solution for a simple question"

  • SQL Kiwi (1/16/2012)

    Kingston Dhasian (1/16/2012)

    But, I don't think a CURSOR is mandatory to script out the UPDATE's

    You can do it even without a CURSOR

    It's not, but unless you have a well-tested set-based script already, writing it using a cursor is likely to be quicker and less error-prone. Not all cursors are evil!

    I have done this sort of things before and hence, the confidence that I can do it again 🙂

    But as Jason said, its better to do this responsibly and hence I won't give the code to the OP directly

    Also, thanks for the link, Paul

    I had previously heard from somewhere (I don't remember it exactly from where) that we should always INFORMATION_SCHEMA views as its a standard and the structure of these views are not subject to change. Views like sys.columns, sys.indexes, etc are subject to change.

    But now, it seems I will have to change my thinking again.:-)

    Kingston Dhasian

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help - Jeff Moden

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