Update issue on table join

  • Hi,

    We have two similar files, one header file and one line file. Under certain conditions*, the line file is populated with a value in the ‘Linked_File_Name’ column. There are some examples where the column should have a value but is currently set to NULL.

    * conditions

    lf.Mill = hf.Mill

    AND lf.Customer = hf.Customer


    lf.Date_Produced >= hf.Date_Produced

    AND lf.[YearMonth] >= hf.[YearMonth]

    (i.e. lf = Line_File AND hf = Header_File)

    Here are a few examples in each of the files:


    File_Name Code Customer Mill Date_Produced YearMonth

    CUL_20110815_aug11_sw, 44, FF, CUL, 20110815, 201108

    CUL_20110817_aug11_sw, 44, FF, CUL, 20110817, 201108

    CUL_20110824_aug11_sw, 44, FF, CUL, 20110824, 201108

    CUL_20110815_aug11_sw, 45, FF, CUL, 20110815, 201108

    CUL_20110816_aug11_sw, 45, FF, CUL, 20110816, 201108

    CUL_20110817_aug11_sw, 45, FF, CUL, 20110817, 201108

    CUL_20110824_aug11_sw, 45, FF, CUL, 20110824, 201108

    CUL_20110815_aug11_sw, 47, FF, CUL, 20110815, 201108

    CUL_20110817_aug11_sw, 47, FF, CUL, 20110817, 201108

    CUL_20110824_aug11_sw, 47, FF, CUL, 20110824, 201108

    CUL_20110815_aug11_sw, 53, FF, CUL, 20110815, 201108

    CUL_20110816_aug11_sw, 53, FF, CUL, 20110816, 201108

    CUL_20110817_aug11_sw, 53, FF, CUL, 20110817, 201108

    CUL_20110824_aug11_sw, 53, FF, CUL, 20110824, 201108


    File_Name Code Customer Mill Date_Produced YearMonth Linked_File_Name

    CUL_20110817_aug11_sw, 44, FF, CUL, 20110817, 201108, CUL_20110817_aug11_sw

    CUL_20110817_aug11_sw, 45, FF, CUL, 20110817, 201108, CUL_20110817_aug11_sw

    CUL_20110812_aug11_sw, 47, FF, CUL, 20110812, 201108, NULL

    CUL_20110818_aug11_sw, 47, FF, CUL, 20110818, 201108, NULL

    CUL_20110818_aug11_sw, 53, FF, CUL, 20110818, 201108, NULL

    In the above Line_File example, the first 2 records hold the correct value. However, whereas the 3rd record should be NULL due to the 'Date_Produced' condition, the 4th and 5th records should have values of 'CUL_20110817_aug11_sw'.

    If I use the following query, it will obviously overwrite all of the Linked_File_Name fields with the same (top 1) value.

    UPDATE dbo.Line_File

    SET Linked_File_Name =

    (SELECT TOP 1 hf.[File_Name] FROM dbo.Line_File lf LEFT JOIN dbo.Header_File hf ON

    lf.Mill = hf.Mill

    AND lf.Customer = hf.Customer


    lf.Date_Produced >= hf.Date_Produced

    AND lf.[YearMonth] >= hf.[YearMonth]

    AND (lf.Linked_File_Name IS NULL)


    hf.[YearMonth] DESC,

    hf.Date_Produced DESC)

    Any ideas please.

    Thanks in advance,


  • Not 100% sure what you're after, but this should do the trick:

    UPDATE lf

    SET Linked_File_Name = (

    SELECT TOP 1 hf.[File_Name]

    FROM dbo.Header_File hf

    WHERE lf.Date_Produced >= hf.Date_Produced

    AND lf.[YearMonth] >= hf.[YearMonth]

    AND lf.Mill = hf.Mill

    AND lf.Customer = hf.Customer

    AND lf.Linked_File_Name IS NULL

    ORDER BY hf.[YearMonth] DESC,

    hf.Date_Produced DESC


    FROM dbo.Line_File AS lf

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Thanks GianLuca - Think that solved the issue

  • You're welcome.

    Happy to help

    -- Gianluca Sartori

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