Update SQL table form Access

  • I have migrated a table from Access 2000 to SQL Server 2000.

    I am updating using DAO but the message keep telling me that anmother user is accessing the record. If I point to a linked access table I do not get the error 3197.


  • what exactly is the error message, and is it from sql or access?

  • How are you accessing the table (form, stored procedure, table view)? Does the linked table points to the sql 2000 table?

  • Do you have any bit fields in your SQL Table? SQL can handle nullable bit fields. Access can't however and will throw up a 3197 error whenever you try to do anything with the table.

  • Matt,

    Thanks very much you saved me several weeks of my life in searching for this.

    How did you know about this little gem.

    Thanks again.



  • Most likely by losing a few weeks searching for it .

  • how about months in my case!!

  • Just to give you an idea, it's only the 3rd or 4th time I see something like this in 2 years here .  So it's not a really know fact around here (but maybe it is on http://www.AccessMonster.com)

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