Upgrading from 2005 32bit to 2005 64bit

  • Hi, Was wondering if anyone has migrated a DB from 2005 32bit to 2005 64bit. . . I've never done it and was wondering if I could get a general overview of what was needed, issues, etc. We have a 2005 32bit DB and with the front-end being a C# web app.

    Any decent documentation anywhere on what would need to be done?

  • There is no migration path. It is not a migration, since engine is the same.

    All CONFIGURATION changes that you might want to perform are falling into the category of removing AWE and increasing memory limitations on MIN and MAX memory settings.

  • Make sure you have 4 GB of RAM if you do not have 4GB of ram no use of migrating to 64 bit, backup the database before migrating, If it is mission critical database first migrate in test environment.

    Here there is a document from microsoft http://www.microsoft.com/sql/techinfo/whitepapers/advantages-64bit-environment.mspx

    Rajesh Kasturi

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