URGENT: Page has expired after report execution!

  • Hi.

    I have created a SSRS 2005 report with some t-sql and MDX queries. This report has some links to navigate to some drill-down reports. The report execution takes more two hours. When the execution terminates and I click on a somewhat link to navigate to a drill-down report I have an error about "the page has expired. To re-open it, it is need to access to the original page". I have look inside the ReportServerWebApp_xxx.log and I have read the theHTTP status code --> 500 error.

    Any suggests to me, please? Do I change some settings in the rs configuration files?

    Many thanks

  • I guess my first question would be why does the report take 2 hours? IS it rendering time, or is that how long it actually takes the data to get from the database to SSRS? You should be able to find that information in the execution log from the reportserver database.

    The next question would be, if it's takes 2 hours to render it would seem that your users don't need up to the minute data (because it'll be 2 hours old at least). Provided that you've already done everything else you can to speed up execution, have you thought about generating the report overnight (or during a less busy time whenever that happens to be) and having the users access a snapshot of the data?


    Edit: sorry to actually answer your question, it's probably that your session is timing out somewhere during your 2 hours of report execution.

    To help us help you read this[/url]For better help with performance problems please read this[/url]

  • Hi.

    I'm acting about improving the report performance. However I have founded as changing the RsWebApplication.config to solve the issue.


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