variable cursor FOR select statement

  • Hiya,

    I'm converting some PL/SQL to T-SQL. Rewriting the code that calls the stored procedures is not an option at this time 😉

    One of the stored procedures returns a cursor.

    The stored procedure is passed a variable 'where' and 'order by' clause.

    I can build the sql statement for the cursor creation, but I cannot find an example where a cursor is called with a variable FOR statement.

    an example is probably easier to explain:

    set @vcSQL = "Select blah from foo"
    IF LEN(@p_vcWHERE) <> 0
    SET @vcSQL = @vcSQL + ' WHERE ' + @p_vcWHERE

    SET @cResultSet = CURSOR LOCAL FOR @vcSQL

    If I wasn't trying to create a cursor

    sp_executesql @vcSQL 

    should work.

    Is this impossible to do with T-SQL? If so, does anyone know a work-around?

  • Try this:

    create procedure [proc1] @cursor_name cursor varying output


    declare @string nvarchar(1000)

    set @string = 'declare cursor_name cursor for

    select blah from foo ' + char(13)

    if len(@p_vcwhere) <> 0 set @string = @string + ' where ' + @p_vcWHERE

    exec sp_executesql @string

    This will return a cursor.


  • thanks 🙂

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