VB or .Net learning curve

  • I'm interested in learning VB, what would you guys recommend.

    Should I start on the .NET track or OR Visual Basic 6

  • What are you working on? any chance of your company moving to .NET. Is there an investment in COM / VB6 technologies?

    Personally I'd just go to .NET, but there isn't a lot of maturity here and you will learn lots that may not apply in 6 months. If you have any programming experience, VB6 shouldn't be too hard to work with.

    Steve Jones


  • I just took up a position of dba, and along with that learning curve, there are opportunities to learn a programming language , but with all of the fuss going around with .NET, I would hate to invest all of my time in VB, then finding out that I would of been better off starting with .NET.

    I don't have any programming experience, however I learn pretty quick.

    Thanks for your input

    Edited by - jjuarez on 01/07/2002 2:58:31 PM

  • At the organization you are at, what is the expected ramp up time before using .NET actively? I know that some companies are in production with .NET apps, but others are still playing a wait and see attitude. If you go with what you'll actively support in the near future, you can't go wrong. If that happens to VB6, from some VB developers I know who have already converted to VB.NET, it wasn't a hard jump at all.

    K. Brian Kelley



    K. Brian Kelley

  • I'd suggest VB6 for now. Tons and tons of discounted books, learning CD's, etc available, plus a wide pool of web sites, in house developers, etc to help you learn. How hard the transition to any language depends on whether you're still stuck trying to remember the syntax for opening an ado connection or if you're used to working with n-tier and object modeling. For learning the core skills like string handling, nothing beats the VB IDE!


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