Web Data Adminstrator

  • Comments posted here are about the content posted at http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/columnists/jSebastian/3025.asp


  • Yep I've been using web data admin for years - very handy

    One thing tho - Be warned that if access this web app across the public internet, and use SQL authentication you really should use HTTPs, otherwise your SQL passwords are being sent unencrypted. Particuarly dodgy if you are using unsecured wifi at a coffee shop or anything.

  • I have been using this tool for few months now. Only thing which impresed me was the response time compared to the Management Studio.

    Note: You should be careful in deleting database objects using this web-tool. No confirmations are asked!!! 

  • This is pretty neat. As advertised, it installs really quickly and I'd envision it to be a handy back pocket tool. One question: Has anyone used it to logon to servers other than the local one? I have a modest farm and would like to avoid installing it everywhere.

    Best Regards,

    Mark Tierney

  • It works with servers outside the local network. However, pay attention to the points mentioned by John a few posts above.


  • I just downloaded this and I would like to test it out on my computer dont want to install anything with out my bosses permision. Has anyone installed it on windows xp. I did see a note to install as application how do I do this?

  • This is just so cool! Thanks for sharing this information!

  • I have it installed on windows XP service. You can simply unzip the files and create a virtual directory pointing to the folder which contains the files.



  • There is another open source web admin tool for sql server which looks just like the good old enterprise manager. I just gave a link to a blog since its got a nice screen shot on it the link for sourceforge is on the blog post.


    Anyway I like it so i thought you might be interested as its also more functionla than the ms one on codeplex.





  • I have installed this as a virtual directory and unzipped the files. Everything looks good. I tried opening default.aspx and no luck I get the text code. I am kind of new at this sql stuff sorry but can you please help. After making virt directory how do I run this? sorry for this uncalled question.

  • From your description "I tried opening default.aspx and no luck I get the text code", I guess that when you navigate to "default.aspx" from your browser, you see the content of the ASPX file.

    It looks to me that ASP.NET is not configured on your machine. Look at the properties of your virtual directory. do you see the TAB "ASP.NET"? and if yes, do you see the version 2.0 there?

    If not, you need to go to "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727" and run "regiis.exe -i" to configure ASP.NET on your ISS.

    Hope this helps.


  • It wasnt on 2.0. After I made the changes I still see the content of the file. Thanks for you help. I will see if I can get some help from someone that is familiar with asp unless you have other ideas.

  • In the worst case, i can help you out by setting up a meeting at http://www.gotomeeting.com 🙂



  • Anyone tried this with SQL 2005 or SQL 2008? I have and it doesn't work as SQL 2005+ does not use SQLDMO.


  • I had tested it on SQL Server 2005 while writing the article. Did not test on SQL Server 2008 yet. However, I would expect it to work on SQL Server 2008 as well.


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