What was that field name?

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item What was that field name?

  • Nice one.

    When I observed this feature, I was happy 🙂


  • Learnt something new today 🙂

  • Easy, another fast way (but maybe not the fastest), just highlight the table then press Alt + F1 will give you all table structure, definition, columns names, data types, Identity fields (if any) and lot more.

  • Nice question. I use SQLPrompt by Redgate so I immediately get all the column names and data types through the IntelliSense without even doing anything 😎 :w00t:

    Need an answer? No, you need a question
    My blog at https://sqlkover.com.
    MCSE Business Intelligence - Microsoft Data Platform MVP

  • Koen Verbeeck (8/6/2014)

    Nice question. I use SQLPrompt by Redgate so I immediately get all the column names and data types through the IntelliSense without even doing anything 😎 :w00t:

    Same here 😛


  • Nice one , thank you for the question

  • I noticed it for columns, tables and functions, but I happily surprised for star!



  • Hany Helmy (8/6/2014)

    Easy, another fast way (but maybe not the fastest), just highlight the table then press Alt + F1 will give you all table structure, definition, columns names, data types, Identity fields (if any) and lot more.

    My ususal practice is alt + F1 (I though this option will be there in the list of answers but no ;-))

  • A very nice question! This helps a lot!


  • Wonderfull!!!

    It, also, works with subquery:


    SELECT MAX(object_id) AS ID,MAX(name) AS NAME FROM sys.objects

    ) AS o

    But in this case it states a wrong type for column NAME(int,null)

  • You could also use a simple table alias to choose from the list of columns 🙂

    Select *

    FROM dbo.Customers c

    WHERE c.

  • I knew what the answer was going to be, so got it right.

    But this method will only tell you if a column is (for instance) varchar. It doesn't tell you its precision. To see that the quickest way is to highlight the table name and press Alt-F1. Of the options given, Object Explorer is the only one that includes this information.

  • In typical SQL style actually the answer is "it depends" - on how you work.

    Hovering the mouse may be quick but not that helpful since as soon as you start typing the list tooltip disappears so if you want more than one from a table with quite a few fields and you really can't remember then that blows that out the water.

    I have widescreen monitors (doesn't everyone nowadays?) at 1920 odd res so I have object explorer permanently pinned open. Further when I am working with a particular database (I'm a software dev) I expand Management Studio and typically have either tables or the programmability sections (or both) expanded so for me at wors it is a little bit of a scroll and a couple of clicks to get all the required information (including precision as someone else mentioned).

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