Why Use Version Control?

  • I haven't seen a good way of diff'ing SSIS data. We started down the road with a DTS Compare at one point, but the mess of the file by MS means that it's hard to separate out logic from code, and even harder to display things.

    Really the people I know using SSIS just treat them as a binary file. I can roll back to a version I know about, but I don't necessarily know what changed without good comments in the VCS commit.

  • stephen.long.1 (9/2/2015)

    ...What bothers me is when someone else checks in some code without putting in a comment. I asked someone about that one time, and was told that "you can just use the diff functionality to find out what changed"...

    It bothers me too. If you want to look at the history of changes then the blanks are meaningless. Also, I have found that developers who use the "just diff to see the changes" are also the sort to not comment their code. You can see what they changed but have no certainty as to their intent.


    -- Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen...they're everywhere!!!

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