Would You Do Your Hobby for a Living

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Would You Do Your Hobby for a Living

  • For me, programming computers is my passion. There are other things that I enjoy, but this is my passion. I can't imagine doing anything else.

    It does have its downsides... I don't have much to escape to, and if you're not careful it's easy to get burned out.

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  • I would most certainly do it for at least a year or two. My hobby is running. I find myself doing math or SQL while running - it is fun. Of course, if I ran for a living I would have to do something with math or sql as a hobby.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • My hobby is drumming and I would without a doubt love to play drums for a living and do database stuff as a hobby. But I have to have both.

  • i would quite happily give away databases to scuba dive full time, as long as i could earn the same money! i have enough other hobbies that i could escape to when diving became 'the daily grind'...now to find a way to earn the same money scuba diving, and i am there!

  • It's a funny thing. I do SQL for a hobby, love it, and do it for a job. I also have several other hobbies but, for some reason, if I had to do any of them for a living (gardening, wood working, quilt design/construction, home construction/remodeling, exotic fuels, concentrated solar power, black body solar power, water power, wind power, magnetics, motor cycle riding, scuba diving, electronics (analog and digital), hydraulics, hydrogen collection/storage, disassociation of water, lightning, lighting, battery construction, high and very low temperature Sterling Engines/Coolers, sensors/sensor analysis, teaching, chess, checkers, multiple card games, bacgammon, potato cannons, water rockets, cooking, 8 ball pool), I'd hate it. 😛

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  • Jeff Moden (5/27/2010)

    It's a funny thing. I do SQL for a hobby, love it, and do it for a job. I also have several other hobbies but, for some reason, if I had to do any of them for a living (gardening, wood working, quilt design/construction, home construction/remodeling, exotic fuels, concentrated solar power, black body solar power, water power, wind power, magnetics, motor cycle riding, scuba diving, electronics (analog and digital), hydraulics, hydrogen collection/storage, disassociation of water, lightning, lighting, battery construction, high and very low temperature Sterling Engines/Coolers, sensors/sensor analysis, teaching, chess, checkers, multiple card games, bacgammon, potato cannons, water rockets, cooking, 8 ball pool), I'd hate it. 😛

    With so many hobbies how to you get time to work??!!!

    :-PManie Verster
    South Africa

    I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. - Holy Bible
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  • I had many hobbies but I soon grew tired of them. One hobby though that I would like to take up is woodcarving. It was a passion of my mother's and shee taught me but she passed away in 1995. Now my hobbie is spoiling my one and only granddaughter and being her hero. I would not like to do that fulltime though.:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P

    :-PManie Verster
    South Africa

    I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. - Holy Bible
    I am a man of fixed and unbending principles, the first of which is to be flexible at all times. - Everett Mckinley Dirkson (Well, I am trying. - Manie Verster)

  • My hobby is playing guitar and oh my god yes, if I could make a living out of it I would!!!

    That's not to say I don't enjoy my work - when I'm not shredding on an electric guitar I can generally be found on my laptop, programming. Perhaps that's why I will never make a living from music! 😀

  • Mine has to be riding my motorbike!

    Just escaping onto the B-roads, nipping through traffic in town and the feel of the wind blast when i open my visor at speed :).

    Just cant get enough of it!

    Hmmm... motorbike courier anyone? 🙂

  • I play computer games, mainly. Means I'm staring at a monitor all day at work and all day at home as well, but I think the two actions are otherwise sufficiently dissimilar for it to work OK... 🙂

    Oops, forgot to answer the question! I wouldn't want to do my hobby as a job...I've had some experience of game beta testing, and I know what a grind it can be.

  • Paragliding is my hobby, and god yes let me just get the chance to fly every day 😀

  • My hobby is DB's and everything that comes with it.

    It's to much fun and I really wouldn’t want to do it for a living. (jk)

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  • My hobbies are Chess, Watching Sports and Programming (I can't specify a language, since part of this hobby is learning new ones 🙂 )

    As a job I develop software.

    So. . . yes :hehe:

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  • My hobby is random nonsense, my mates accuse me of being a svengali. I love it but it doesn't half take it out of you.

    A couple of weeks ago my latest escapade led to me making my acting debut alongside Brian Blessed, which was incredibly cool, I took another good mate of mine (another IT Manager) along to Brian's house to make the film and ever since then our Facebook statii have consisted of things along the lines of "Something Boring has happened, quick, do something boring". Life in IT will never be the same.

    If only I could find a way to make some money out of this kind of nonsense maybe I'd consider a move out of IT, meantime there's bills to be paid.

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