Your SQL Server 2000 (SQL Server service pack...

  • Steve Jones - SSC Editor (10/9/2007)

    Comments posted to this topic are about the item <A HREF="/questions/Enterprise+Administration/60094/">Your SQL Server 2000 (SQL Server service pack...</A>

    I think this was probably a bad answer, but I'm not too sure of the date (if it was before the OS bug was widely known, then the hardware would have been the first thing to check; but I think it wasn't before that). There was a bug that I think was well known in Oct 03, when this QotD was published, so the right answer was look at the OS to see if you had this known problem - an operating system problem first fixed (by one of those hard to get hotfixes) in 02 or 03, I think, and first included in a service pack (Win 2000 SP3 I guess) who knows when, so I wouldn't have looked at the hardware until after I'd checked whether the hot fix applied. It's hard to be sure this many years on!


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