Forum Replies Created

Viewing 13 posts - 241 through 253 (of 253 total)

  • RE: Stored Proc Update

    Thanks for the info and the catch, Charlotte. I apparently didn't think through that @@ERROR part enough. The adReturnValue thing might be usefull for me to know in the future.

  • RE: increasingly slow performance on insert

    DBCC SHOWCONTIG will provide fragmentation information. Look at the other DBCC commands as well. One does on online index DEFRAG and another does a more offline index rebuild (DBCC REINDEX...

  • RE: Query Performance

    I don't suppose its as simple as a fragmented index? The previous 2 responses are definite possibilities, though. If execution plan shows it using the wrong index and you can't...

  • RE: complicated problem

    The SQL Server version is as follows. Note that the Oracle version could very well be different and if so would likely need to be obtained from an Oracle specific...

  • RE: Distributed architecture question

    Is there a way to have the objects checked at run-time, rather than at


    Yes but I don't know how. I'm actually surprised you have that problem because I...

  • RE: Printing the Structure of Table

    Are you after pretty graphics or just the detail? It sounds to me like you are more after the DDL than nice presentation. If that is the case from SQL...

  • RE: Change Data Appearance, Vertical to Horizontal

    Grumble grumble grumble. The first reply was extensive and when I hit Preview.....gone. This will be a little more curt (believe it or not).

    Create a variable based table with BusinessClassID,...

  • RE: Distributed architecture question

    I can only think of 2 other options but they may not fly.

    1) if there are a limited number of possibilities being bandied about you could code each one within...

  • RE: Name Field seperation

    I hate doing string manipulation like this, but here you go. REVERSE makes it possible. I would consider this to be a good candidate for a function if you actually...

  • RE: Distributed architecture question

    It could be done using dynamic SQL such as:

    declare @RemoteLoc varchar(100)

    set @RemoteLoc = ( SELECT Location FROM MyEnvirontmentTable WHERE Key = 'Purpose' )

    -- Think of this as creating a temporary...

  • RE: Stored Proc Update

    First, I know of no way to access the return value of a stored procedure outside of T-SQL such as in the form of an error code or the like...

  • RE: Full Text Searching

    I'm not saying that this will run lightning fast, but I believe the following would work. Below is a SQL function definition that will take a string and create various...

  • RE: Dynamic table name in a cursor?

    As far as the dynamic table name, consider using a local temporary table unless you need the table to be available beyond the current connection scope. It gives you a...

Viewing 13 posts - 241 through 253 (of 253 total)