Forum Replies Created

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

  • RE: Query that works different inside a SP

     Try to include time part in your params i.e. '2004/08/08 00:00:00' (both in SP and in your query) - then run it and check how many rows returned.

    This may help...

  • RE: How to pass text column to SP?

     bliviu - Thanks for your suggestion.

    But it means that every XML parse in SQL server (from text field  column) must have two calls...

  • RE: How to pass text column to SP?

    I'm not sure what service pack it is - but it's SQL server 2000 enterprise edition with the latest service pack. I can check it tomorrow morning.


  • RE: How to pass text column to SP?

    noeld - could you please show your create table statement for dbo.XML_Transactions table?




  • RE: How to pass text column to SP?

    So you are saying you have table XML_Transactions where field Object_XML

    is defined as TEXT?

    Anyway - I cannot even compile that SP with 1 line of code: SET @sXML = ''


  • RE: How to pass text column to SP?

    Noel - thanks for the link - I knew this option, but I hoped to see something else. 

    Basically I resolved that issue by ... not storing XML in...

  • RE: How to pass text column to SP?

     Well - that's too simple - I tried to compile the following SP:


    @local TEXT = '',

    @anythingelse VARCHAR(100)



      SET @local = 'Some TEXT field here'


    and I've got the...

  • RE: Nested Transactions..

     The problem is SQL server itself. You cannot really use nested transactions in T-SQL.

    If you rollback - you rollback everything up to the first transaction you started in this batch.


  • RE: How to pass text column to SP?

    The problem is that I'm storing XML in table column.

    For example I have table:

    create table Table1(ID int, InXML text)

    Let's  say I have 1 row in this table and InXML column...

  • RE: Retrieving the ID of a record just inserted

    If you can add one more column to your table than:
    create table FIFO(xxx,xxx,xxx, GUID uniqueidentifier)

    declare @GUID uniqueidentifier

  • RE: Indexes

    Paste your statement(s) into SQL Query analyzer window and click Ctrl-L

     - it will show you the estimated execution plan in the bottom window. Move mouse over every picture - and...

  • RE: Data Migration - Quickly Inserting New Data

    Steve  - It's a good idea to add " union" at the end of every row in your insert statement (except the last one). In this case it's one transaction...

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)