Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 90 total)

  • RE: RAM per User Connections

    As TECHBABU noted, the architecture is important as memory is handled differently - especially when you go over 2/4GB. 64bit makes life nice and easy.

    Also, it's not just your...

  • RE: Domain login

    You will need at least a one way trust between the domains. Are they within the same AD forest?

    If you have a two way trust, it doesn't matter which...

  • RE: Can't log with the local machine name

    Looks like it may not have restored the other instances.

    Your event viewer shows

    C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\DATA\master.mdf

    Does this file exist? does the account you are running the SQL Database Engine...

  • RE: Can't log with the local machine name

    Can you provide any Event Viewer or SQL Log / SQL Agent Log errors?

  • RE: upgrades

    It's great to hear that you're looking at patching your systems - both the application and operating system.

    As always, test your patches in a pre-production environment prior to a production...


    Microsoft Consulting has a number of RAP services. SQL, Exchange and Active Directory are all worthwhile.

    MS will usually leave the data gathering tool behind when they're done. It...

  • RE: SQL Server 2005 user login

    You can grant specific users granular privileges to perform actions against many database objects.

    Can you provide more information?

    For example, do you mean that you need to create to users, A...

  • RE: sql 2000 compatability between service packs

    Can you supply the error provided by the application?

    Was there anything reported in the SQL Server logs or Event Viewer?

  • RE: Very weird query performance

    There's not really enough information here to provide anything useful straight off the bat.

    Some questions however;

    a) why is your physical cluster only using 1GB of 64GB of RAM?

    b) are the...

  • RE: Best Practices for SQL 2008 Clustering

    Steve Jones - Editor (5/6/2009)

    I'm confused, are you looking to use HyperV and VMs for clustering?

    In Hyper-V, Microsoft have used MSCS as their solution provider to deliver HA and Quick...

  • RE: Best Practices for SQL 2008 Clustering

    Your high level description sounds fine with the exception of putting the backups on the SAN.

    If you loose your cluster node, your backups will probably be unavailable too. Remember,...

  • RE: Decryption and CLR

    (the usual commentary regarding overhead of encryption, etc...)

    Why get the client to do the encryption? In SQL Server 2005 + you can use SQL to perform encryption for you.


  • RE: HA solution for regular new/updated SQL object roll outs

    It sounds like what you're really after is more a Lifecycle than a HA solution.

    HA is a non-functional requirement for a particular environment. You're wanting a pre-production / acceptance...

  • RE: MSDTC and Clustering Question for Active/Active Configuration

    jspatz (5/1/2009)

    Yeah thats funny that was her response to my question .. 🙂

    My bad. Google is great, but I suppose I still need to read who asked the question...

  • RE: Local System Account authentication issue

    Not knowing what those hotfixes are and do, when you get errors like

    Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON'.

    it is usually a Kerberos related problem.

    Do you have kerberos authentication configured...

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 90 total)