Forum Replies Created

Viewing 13 posts - 316 through 328 (of 328 total)

  • RE: Why Upgrade?

    Hi Steve,

    I am working on a serious SQL Server 2005 upgrade effort now. I cannot go into details, but the system is the backend for a web front, uses lots...

  • RE: New Poll

    Hi Steve,

    Yep, I've failed. I learned a great deal from the experience - mostly about myself. I have to say the most valuable lesson learned was: How to fail with...

  • RE: Anti-Offshore

    The simple truth is: there's no free lunch. Every economic endeavor is a trade and balance happens because the universe operates the way it does.

    I've never heard of a state which taxed...

  • RE: What Sarbanes-Oxley Won''t Do

    Good editorial Steve. I think we're stuck with SOx compliance - for better and worse - for years to come. Thanks Enron and MCI!

  • RE: A Question of Scale?

    You tell 'em Steve!

    I personally administered a 1.6 TB data warehouse on SQL Server 2000. It can be done, it requires knowledge of the system and data to tune. While...

  • RE: Saying Good Bye

    Hi Steve,

    Great editorial and interesting topic. I have two comments:

    1. The reason the grass is greener some places is because of all the fertilizer they're spreading there.

    2. If only 20%...

  • RE: 2005 IR Salary Survey

    Great article Steve.

    I agree with nileshsane - the conclusion rocks!

    I would add it's possible to work for a large corporation and still enjoy the benefits of a close-knit, entrepreneurial-like team....

  • RE: Talking Back

    Hi Steve,

    Another winner of a topic!

    Blogs are double-edged swords but I believe the net results are positive - especially if you allow (and then read) feedback from readers.

    I encourage you...

  • RE: Retention

    Great editorial and interesting topic Steve!

    I now work for a great boss. He has a great boss and, from my view near the bottom of the hill, the next boss...

  • RE: Congratulations Frank

    Congratulations Frank!

    I've learned a lot reading your responses.

  • RE: The CLR in SQL Server 2005

    I continue to make the journey from developer to DBA, and found Joe Celko's insight into the differences between the mindsets frighteningly accurate.

    Allow me to offer this perspective using my...

  • RE: Why Be an MCP?

    From my experience, certification is something that can't help as much as not being certified can hurt you.

    The trouble is, you never know how or when it will hurt you...

  • RE: Data Dictionary from within SQL Server 2000

    Great article!

Viewing 13 posts - 316 through 328 (of 328 total)