Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 6,166 through 6,180 (of 6,210 total)

  • RE: Accessing MSDE via ODBC

    Thanks for the follow up!


  • RE: Server side trace to table

    Not in SQL2K. Im most of the way through writing a script that writes it to a file, then when I run the script again stops the trace, imports it...

  • RE: MSDE and security

    Nope, no way I know of to prevent that. Encrypting the data seems best. I guess an alternative would be:

    1) Stop the service

    2) Save the first couple hundred bytes from...

  • RE: Group By Column Count limitation

    I think you'd have to try it and see. I doubt any index is going to make a difference, unless the 17 million rows are a fairly small subset of...

  • RE: Problems with Linked Server to Access


    Not aware of any server setting related to this - you might want to compare all the properties on the linked server on your test box to the one in...

  • RE: Install Problems

    I havent had any problems with installing. Is it a clean install or upgrade? Your best bet is to just stop every service you can and unload apps until you...

  • RE: sp_helpfile

    Take a look at this article, shows how to use the undocumented sp_msforeachdb - basically hides the work of opening a cursor and running through the list from sysdatabases.

  • RE: MSDE and security

    Well, you're back to encryption again. Depends on just how sensitive the data is, how much effort to put into it. Might be enough to do some very simple encrypting...

  • RE: Interschema Commonality

    If you're going to require apps to access other DB's via a COM object only, I dont see any advantage to consolidating them just to get fkeys working. Having one...

  • RE: Group By Column Count limitation

    Leads me to think about what is the max # of columns you can use in a group by and have it be usable...I rarely group by on more then...

  • RE: MSDE and security

    Thats where NTFS comes in. No need for a user to have direct access to the mdf's.


  • RE: MSDE and security

    Then you should look at approles - perfect for the situation you describe. Kudo's to Brian K for asking the right question!


  • RE: CDONTS Email from SQL*Server

    CDO does support this from what I can find on MSDN using a configuration object. Have to admit Im not entirely clear on the differences between CDO and CDONTS! Still,...

  • RE: MSDE and security

    Restricting access using NTFS permissions is important too. They should not have direct access, only via the db engine.


  • RE: Running Query from Query Analyser into a file

    Click Tools, Options, then the results tab. Use the 'Results Output Format' dropdown. The default is column aligned, but you can change to tab delimited.


Viewing 15 posts - 6,166 through 6,180 (of 6,210 total)