Forum Replies Created

Viewing 8 posts - 76 through 83 (of 83 total)

  • RE: Backup Restore to test SQL Server 2000

    Would it gains us anytime to shrink the transaction log prior to the backup?

  • RE: Backup Restore to test SQL Server 2000

    They are using ArcServe agent to backup it up

  • RE: Documenting a Database

    i actually just completed creating several diagrams. They have Foreign Keys and everything:). I need to find Visio then.

  • RE: Adding Summs to Recursive Query

    I think I have it narrowed down to this statement:

    ---- Return member

    SELECT A.DownLineLevel


    ,CAST(CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX),A.ConsultantID)AS INT) as ConsultantID

    ,UPPER(RTRIM(A.ConsultantName)) AS ConsultantName


    ,D.Title AS AchievedTitle





    ,ISNULL(Sum(A.AdjustedPartOneTotal ),0) AS YTD_Total

    ,Count(*) AS YTD_Orders

    FROM DownLine AS...

  • RE: Adding Summs to Recursive Query

    I don't know if this will help but this is what I am getting back:

    DownlineLevel, ConsultantID, Sum(Total)

    0 3 104.80

    1 23 104.80

    1 30 104.80

    2 40 104.80

    1 65 104.80

    1 73 104.80

    2 89 104.80

    1 102 104.80

    1 112 104.80

    2 127 104.80

    3 131 104.80

    1 142 104.80

    2 244 104.80

    The issue is the Sum value should be differnt amounts and actually a majority...

  • RE: Adding Summs to Recursive Query

    The should only be broken by COnsultantID not SponsorID. The SponsorID is there because it is used to pull the name sponsor of the consultant which is in the same...

  • RE: CTE Recursive Query

    This worked like a champ. Thanks a lot.

  • RE: CTE Recursive Query

    The problem with that is it puts them all in sequencial order which is not right.

    the way it works is that a top level consultant (level 0) has subordinate consultants...

Viewing 8 posts - 76 through 83 (of 83 total)