Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 244 total)

  • RE: Weird problem with changing databases

    u may have a USE database at the very top of ur script. I've done that before when not totally paying attention

  • RE: parellel spid identification

    Is there a way to querry the estimated reads from a cached exec plan?

    Also, why would there be multiple records for a given proc name in th below. Are there...

  • RE: parellel spid identification

    Now we're cookin.

    One of my issues is i'm getting execution plans on occation going really really bad and i'm trying to monitor when it happens. So here's what i got...

  • RE: parellel spid identification

    also, is there a way i can get the actual proc call w/ the input params and all if it exists?

  • RE: parellel spid identification

    changed it slightly. changed the status to ISNULL(sp.status,r.status). and added a left join to the sys.dm_exec_procedure_stats view so i can get the proc name and it's status seems to...

  • RE: parellel spid identification

    looking it over....thanks

  • RE: parellel spid identification

    got it.

    SELECT *from (

    select spid,sql_handle, COUNT(*) as Counter

    from master.dbo.sysprocesses

    group by spid,sql_handle

    HAVING COUNT(1) >1

    ) dup

    CROSS APPLY sys.Dm_exec_sql_text(sql_handle) sp

  • RE: parellel spid identification

    I've got processes who do not have maxdop set therefore on occasion the same spid is breaking out to 10- 20 parellel processes. I'm trying to identify them or better...

  • RE: high reads

    Noted. I will keep an eye out for that monday morning when the box starts flying.


  • RE: high reads

    oh. and thanks SQL Know It All. I retract my blasphemous statement at Microsoft. I wish I would have known that before

    i'll keep u all posted on what the issue...

  • RE: high reads

    GilaMonster. That’s the thing. the execution plan runs fine then all the sudden during one of the recompiles it starts doing 11 million reads. keeps doing that until whatever caused...

  • RE: high reads

    Going to try and answer everyone here.

    1) I didn't save the execution plan when it was doing 11 million reads. I wasn’t expecting it to all the sudden fix itself....

  • RE: cached execution plan ?


  • RE: cached execution plan ?

    are u replying to my first or second comment?

  • RE: cached execution plan ?

    is this saying that i'm getting a cache hit? If so then how do i read this. It appears to me it showing a cache miss and a cache hit.


Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 244 total)