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Viewing 15 posts - 1,216 through 1,230 (of 1,318 total)

  • RE: Transaction Log Management

    This free e-book[/url] is really helpful for this topic.


    MysteryJimbo (11/13/2013)

    Is there a BUILTIN\Administrators group in your login list?

    No, that's what puzzled me. Well, it's there on one but not the other, but it only has the 'public' Server...


    Thanks. I just need to take a sec to eat my words a bit because there's no evidence that he's done that. (He's still somehow got accounts on instances he...


    I'm just checking back now... the trouble is I don't know exactly when it would have happened. I'll stand back from DEFCON1 for now :-).

    (Am I looking for something like...


    Oh yes, I did know about that actually (but thanks!), but it didn't occur to me that somebody would use it as a back door and not just in a...


    Thanks. I did try Googling but I can't find anything that explains quite what I am after.

    Not unless you either have granted local administrators or domain administrators groups a login...

  • RE: Database on emergency mode

    Did you specify 'with rollback immediate' or anything like that (to roll back uncommitted transactions)? Because if not it can take ages.

  • RE: Are the posted questions getting worse?

    In the UK we do that too, venonym, so 123.456789 has 9 significant figures but 6 decimal places.

  • RE: Why 10.52.4000

    What I'm really trying to find out is why this is bothering you, when it happened, what has changed recently (i.e. have you applied any updates), etc. etc. Without the...

  • RE: Why 10.52.4000

    Ok, so have you applied a cumulative update?

    (I'm hoping somebody else will come along and be more helpful in a minute :-D.)

  • RE: Why 10.52.4000

    Ok, well I can't see the image you've attached, but presumably you've applied a cumulative update or something like that?

    What do you get when you do SELECT @@VERSION ?

  • RE: Why 10.52.4000

    That's a very open question. What version were you expecting?

  • RE: What is the correct way to restore a database when users are still connected?

    sestell1 (11/7/2013)

    You could also set the database to single user mode (with immediate rollback).

    This will kick everyone but you off of the database, and keep other people out until you...

  • RE: Differential backup issue

    OR had somebody else possibly taken another full backup after yours and before the differential backup?

  • RE: Differential backup issue

    Your full backup wasn't a copy-only backup, was it?

Viewing 15 posts - 1,216 through 1,230 (of 1,318 total)