Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 66 total)

  • RE: Reading SQL Logs

    Would the only way to get these changes be the way RedGates application does it by comparing 2 databases and then telling what is differences are between the 2 databases?


  • RE: Reading SQL Logs

    Sorry, What I'm looking to do (if it's possible) is to read through the transaction logs and get all the sql that is executed to create the specific log.

    In the...

  • RE: Remove all data from a database

    I have added

    EXEC sp_MSForEachTable 'DBCC CHECKIDENT ( "?", RESEED, 0)'

    to the end of my script. This resets the seeds where possible. Will just need to wait for it to...

  • RE: Remove all data from a database

    It doesn't handle SEEDs as it's not doing a truncate, from what I know a truncate will only reset the SEEDs on a table. If you try TRUNCATE you'll get...

  • RE: Opposite of stoplist

    Thank you 😀

  • RE: Opposite of stoplist

    Thank you, I've been searching now to find out how to add these words but am having no luck . Could you please give me something I could search for...

  • RE: Opposite of stoplist

    I have the full word 'Jenny' in the table will adding to the thesaurus be able to make me search for 'jen' and get 'Jenny'?

  • RE: Computed Columns

    Thank you, this has helped a lot 😀

  • RE: Computed Columns

    can't have a single statement as there system has all there scripts and our security system has its scripts that access each of there own Email Address feilds. I know...

  • RE: Computed Columns

    We're intergrating our security in another companies existing application so would like to change our Email Address feild to point to the email address in there table as a lot...

  • RE: Stored Procs vs Normal Query

    cool, thanks 🙂

  • RE: Stored Procs vs Normal Query

    Is there something I can put into query to make it never cache?

  • RE: Stored Procs vs Normal Query

    Thanks for the replies 😀

  • RE: Naming Conventions

    Thanks everyone, I have changed some things I do as they didn't make sense but thought it was the right way to do them. 😀

  • RE: Naming Conventions

    kramaswamy (7/18/2011)

    personally, the rules that i stick with are, for table names, try to keep them as descriptive as possible, even if it makes them a bit long. for the...

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 66 total)