Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 102 total)

  • RE: Question: Restoring specific tables in master

    MANU (7/30/2008)

    I don't know whether this will work or not:

    Can you try changing the table type from User to System by making use of following stored procedure:

    In Sql Server 2000--master.dbo.sp_MS_upd_sysobj_category...

  • RE: Restricting access to T-SQL within Enterprise Mgr

    bfarley (7/30/2008)

    There are some users who use a SQL Server 2000 database strictly for data export using a DTS package. Data privileges are not an issue, but restricting their ability...

  • RE: The Lighter Side - Life is like an analogy

    Definitely a good chuckle and it also strikes me that while I have a great plan to use a nice process to correctly identify data needed to complete a change,...

  • RE: Negative Run Duration

    Steve, thanks for the info it is nice to actually know that.

    Ironically we do have two time sources to synch from, and they do (hence the problem), and...

  • RE: Negative Run Duration

    Well we do have automatic time synching as my problematic node just synched time, so my guess is time has been changing and leading to end times before start times.


  • RE: Negative Run Duration

    Steve Jones - Editor (12/4/2007)

    I'm with George. Nothing jumps out. The clocks shouldn't cause this, though you probably want them to get in synch. Could possibly be something there, but...

  • RE: Negative Run Duration

    Another interesting note: the other node in the cluster is about 5 minutes slower than the node with issues. In fact the node with issues is 5 minutes fast.

  • RE: Negative Run Duration

    the t-log job normally takes about 3:16 to run so it is not that long.

    The other job normally takes about 1 minute, but on the time it failed, a second...

  • RE: Negative Run Duration

    It is primarily the LiteSpeed transaction backup job, which runs every 15 minutes, but I just found one instance in a job that was manually created to purge the old...

  • RE: Negative Run Duration

    And to answer the other question, yes the raw data is in the msdb sysjobhistory table where the run duration is negative.

  • RE: Negative Run Duration

    Ok, let's see the job is a transaction log backup part of a maintenance plan.

    The maintenance plan is actually created by LiteSpeed enterprise edition version 4.5.204.

    I am running this...

  • RE: Negative Run Duration

    Thank you both.

    First the job has been running for years. Second I thought we dealt with the DST back in the spring on this server.

    It is still occuring, any...

  • RE: Half a Million

    Why do I like SQL Server Central?

    Simply put, the writing, the intelligence, and the community.

    Every article I have read has been well written and easy to understand. I won't...

  • RE: TempDB

    I know that I have some developers who write "run-away" queries that will blow out my tempdb until I am out of disk space.  How they do it I don't...

  • RE: Backup Maintenance Plans threatening db integrity!

    Hi there, based on what you said had happened, I believe this is the reason:

    Database locking and blocking contention.

    The optimization jobs lock lots of data and block other transactions from...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 102 total)