Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 65 total)

  • RE: Simple Metadata

    Steve Jones - Editor (12/16/2008)

    I need to look at Google mail. I've heard it searches well, and it should. Right now my account is an archive where I send stuff...

  • RE: Simple Metadata

    You can always use tags and then build a taxonomy later based on the tags.

    A project I developed (an inhouse used equipment sale/trading site - which eventually got canned before...

  • RE: The Energizer Bunny

    Might you share just a bit of detail with how the one successful outsourcing you mentioned left the norm?

    Sure. You should know that I am not a DBA but...

  • RE: The Energizer Bunny

    mzak (12/3/2008)

    I honestly "very strongly dislike" [aka hate] this mentality. I intentionally try to work myself out of my tasks. It causes personal and corporate growth. The...

  • RE: The Energizer Bunny

    I've seen a ton of outsourcing in medical and banking. Whether that affects security, I can't say, but it certainly affects their profitability (negatively, in my experience).

    On the other...


    ryan.price (11/23/2008)

    RE: CR/LF/NewLine (Cade Roux)

    Actually, with Transact-SQL, it's even easier, just embed the newline in your string.

    Yeah, I use that occasionally. I would prefer if there was a...


    Shouldn't it be CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) (i.e. CR + LF)?

  • RE: Mini-Me

    And another thing - being proactive, I would never do this stuff twice. If I had to investigate a problem (and couldn't easily prevent it with a CONSTRAINT or...

  • RE: Mini-Me

    Yes, typically, I would have jobs on the various servers in Agent and they would normally email (we used SQLAnswersMail on SQL Server 2000 because it has nice HTML formatting...

  • RE: Trying to modify this to be recursive using a CTE

    Finally got it working:

    DECLARE @Pattern AS varchar(6)

    SET @Pattern = '%TODO%'


    -- CANNOT use INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES because of 4000 character limit


    FROM sys.sql_modules AS m


  • RE: Name Value Pair - Part II

    According to the article, the system is not in production. It shouldn't have been allowed to even get this far.

    If a system is working, needs tweaks and performs acceptably...

  • RE: Name Value Pair - Part II

    RichardB (5/20/2008)

    Cade Roux (5/19/2008)

    I love this:

    I've learned that when business people tell me that getting to market is more important than running their business well, I'm only there to postpone...

  • RE: Name Value Pair - Part II

    You can use EAV or XML for easy maintenance user-defined stuff you don't know is coming in the evolution of application lifecycle - by WHY USE IT FOR THE PARTS...

  • RE: Name Value Pair - Part II

    I love this:

    "The suggestion was right in the long run, but as I have mentioned previously, the project had gone so far it was very difficult to revert back. So,...

  • RE: Should I Buy a Kindle?

    If I could get one of Safari or Books24x7 or PDFs on the Kindle, I would probably go for it.

    As far as novels etc, it will still make more sense...

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 65 total)