Forum Replies Created

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

  • RE: logical consistency-based I/O error

    We had similar corruption to this in msdb last week with Parent node for page (X:XXX) was not encountered errors

    I took a backup which included the corruption and restored under...

  • RE: CXPACKET wait type

    Whilst reducing the number of Processors used will reduce parallelism waits it may not be the best way to 'fix' the query ie. there are probably other underlying issues

    A good...

  • RE: Query to get Database Size and Growth Report

    I've just written this query for auditing database files... haven't thoroughly tested it yet so let me know if there are any issues

    CREATE TABLE #FileSpace (

    [database_id] int,

    [file_id] int,

    [space_used] int



  • RE: Query to get Database Size and Growth Report

    In sys.master_files there is a flag called is_percent_growth which is set to 1 if the file growth is in %

    You can therefore work out the filegrowth as something like:

    CASE WHEN...

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)