Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 49 total)

  • RE: use of union statement

    select 0 AS s.ord_num, 'this book at top of the list' AS 'maintitle'


    select t.title AS 'maintitle'

    from titles t, sales s

    where t.title_id = s.title_id

    order by s.ord_num

  • RE: Showing User Permissions in 2005

    Right-click on the table or stored procedure and choose Properties.  Then choose Permissions in the upper left window.  It's not as good as SQL2000 but better than the way you...

  • RE: Tracking Changed Data

    Go to the home page for this wonderful website and search for 'audit trigger'.  I have seen code examples for doing what you're looking to do.  I'm sure you'll find...

  • RE: Cannot execute stored procedure on linked server

    I fixed it....yeah!

    First I had to set up a linked server from the remote server pointing back to the local server.

    Then I was getting an error message telling me that...

  • RE: 2005 Bulk Insert

    I got it.

    I had to give permissions for my user to ADMINISTER BULK OPERATION and this is a server-level permission.


  • RE: Cascade delete design issues and locks

    I think cascading deletes is exactly what you need.

  • RE: Retain leading 0''''s in csv file..

    In Excel, if you have a single quote in front of the data, then it leaves the data alone.  This should work.

  • RE: SQL Locking up

    A huge log file was the problem with a client of mine.  When it got to about 14 gb, the server would appear to be "hung" (it was really just...

  • RE: Single View

    I have a beef with because I live in Alaska and all of the items on are "lower-48" prices.  Yet, there's no mention of that fact on the...

  • RE: Find missing numbers in sequential column

    You're right...that is very clever.  I'm glad you guys are having fun with this.  Meanwhile, I used the "create a table of Numbers" approach and am quite pleased with the...

  • RE: conn.Execute error

    Please post the info about the error again.  I can see some of it in my newsletter, but it's missing from this forum.  Weird.


  • RE: Find missing numbers in sequential column

    Great idea.  And thanks for the sql code.

  • RE: About this forum...


    Quite the credentials.  Thanks for offering to help.  I have just a quick question.

    I have a DB Maintenance Job set up and I chose to "repair minor problems if possible"...

  • RE: My database keeps messing up

    I will run sp_who2 next time.  I didn't realize another database could have enough activity that it would cause problems with mine. 

    Thanks for your help.

  • RE: My database keeps messing up

    The only other user database on this SQL Server is used by McAfee Enterprise Virus Scan.  It appears as if that database was installed in May,...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 49 total)