Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 35 total)

  • RE: Transactions 3

    There goes my streak 🙁

  • RE: The SSIS service in 2012

    Thanks for the question and info!

  • RE: Backups

    I considered master and then thought it could not be a trick... fell for the tempdb...

  • RE: Master Keys

    Thanks for the question!

  • RE: Logical Operators

    Nice question! Order of operations 🙂

  • RE: Full Recovery Model

    One of the first things I learned as an intern last year!

  • RE: Transactions 2

    Thanks for the question!

  • RE: VIEWS 6

    Thanks for the question.

  • RE: String comparison

    Great question!

    Helped me with LIKE vs =

  • RE: How Far Will You Go (To Work)?

    Going from Northwest Houston to Southwest Houston (avoiding 290, 610, 59, and no EZ tag) takes me about an hour one way. Since I am avoiding the highways and driving...

  • RE: You Can Telecommute

    Steve Jones - SSC Editor (7/28/2011)

    Dalton Moore (7/28/2011)

    Rod at work (7/28/2011)

    When I first saw the title of your editorial, I had to laugh. No, I can't telecommute; at least...

  • RE: You Can Telecommute

    Rod at work (7/28/2011)

    When I first saw the title of your editoral, I had to laugh. No, I can't telecommute; at least not in my current position. It's...

  • RE: The Market

    Interns are the outliers on the low end 😀

  • RE: Be Reasonabl

    robert.mcleod (7/21/2011)

    At the company I work for they actively encourage telecommuting. It's good for my moral and productivity to work a few days in my shorts in the back yard.


  • RE: Be Reasonabl

    Amen to telecommuting! Heck, even the VP of IT at my company is pushing for it but it's the President that will not hear it. Some people are just stuck...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 35 total)