Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 129 total)

  • RE: Is Data Integrity really important or not

    I've always implemented constraints to keep me, my devs and data analysts from getting sloppy

    yes - especially when you are evolving the application (and doubly so when making online updates)


  • RE: Is Data Integrity really important or not

    because the proc had to select the user account to check the balance already

    the foreign key constraint was unnecessary

    a single check constraint is quick but that isn't a common scenario


  • RE: Is Data Integrity really important or not

    I'd be interested to know more about your scenario and why you think the probability of the constraint failing was "microscopic"

    plenty of validation at the application level

    plenty more at the...

  • RE: sftp using xp_cmdshell

    1) that is the default port for sftp so no need to specify

    2) try space: servername<space>22

    to be clear: "sftp" = the ssh ftp protocol?

    that trace looks like actual "ftp" -...

  • RE: Not well known about how E.F. Codd was rejected

    I get a little tingle of excitement everytime I use "goto" in CSharp

  • RE: Is Data Integrity really important or not

    I like to have very tight control of my data - with many constraints and triggers etc.

    but, saying that, I have built systems without any of the usual constraints


    - it...

  • RE: restore problem.

    I like the rule "never do anything you can't undo"

    if, after dropping the database your restore had failed ...

    ... a safer approach would be to: detach db, rename mdf/ndf/ldf, restore

  • RE: Reading Deadlock Trace

    OP: use the deadlock xml to determine the statements and resources involved in the deadlock

    but to understand the deadlock you have to work backwards (possibly across multiple procedures / views...

  • RE: Reading Deadlock Trace

    FWIW, when I started my job a bit over a year ago, we were getting regular deadlocks. After some work to set up traces to trap all deadlocks, and to...

  • RE: Filter the Dataset Fields through Parameters

    Dynamic SQL

    build a SQL string and execute it

  • RE: select hours

    if you truncate the time to nearest 30 minutes (hh:00 or hh:30)

    and then group by that:

    declare @now datetime

    set @now = {ts'2010-01-01 00:59:00'}

    select dateadd(day, datediff(day, 0, @now), 0)

    + dateadd(hour, datepart(hour, @now), 0)


  • RE: Reading Deadlock Trace

    wayne: that is very handy bit of sql

    it is impossible / unreasonable and unnecessary to stop all deadlocks

    as long as there is correct retry logic

    they are irrelevant

    if you have an...

  • RE: Reading Deadlock Trace

    it is not easy to answer without knowing more, but ...

    change either:


    -- or --


    to access tables:


    -- and --


    in the same order

    if the existing logic doesn't lend itself to a re-ordering


  • RE: Function with Select * that references a View

    I plan to one day soon

    Even though I use it everyday, it is still a work in progress - and not ready for general consumption

    (It is a Windows Application -...

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 129 total)