Forum Replies Created

Viewing 12 posts - 61 through 72 (of 72 total)

  • RE: Geocode Addresses in T-SQL


    This geocoding web service can only process a single request at a time, so to process multiple rows you would need to loop through the rows to process...

  • RE: Geocode Addresses in T-SQL

    @malik.s.nisar: see this Google documentation for reverse geocoding information.

    The pattern should be similar: submit a request, receive the response, and then retrieve individual values via XQuery...

  • RE: Geocode Addresses in T-SQL

    @Kim P:

    From documentation we see that the precision (accuracy) information is stored in the location_type XML node.

    You can define a parameter to store this information, such as:

    @LocationType varchar(40)...

  • RE: Geocode Addresses in T-SQL

    @idea Deadbeat: Sorry you are having problems. I tried your examples, and they worked fine here.

    I would concur with your suspicions about a firewall blocking outbound...

  • RE: Geocode Addresses in T-SQL Thank you for the feedback.

    Your experience with "WinHTTP.WinHTTPRequest.5.1" is interesting. The information I can find suggests that "MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP" is the right object for servers. ...

  • RE: Geocode Addresses in T-SQL

    @chouse: Yes, that is my recollection about Yahoo as well, though I haven't reviewed their policy lately.

  • RE: Geocode Addresses in T-SQL

    @idea Deadbeat: Thanks for your interest. I just downloaded and executed the attached code (in a new clean test database), and it worked as expected.

    Google shouldn't...

  • RE: SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION Ignored in SP Executed with Autocommit

    There's something strange going on. Maybe SSMS is the problem? Try this:


    CREATE TABLE tblTest (Test int)



  • RE: OUTPUT clause and additional columns


    Thank you for taking the time to reply.

    In this case, I don't know or have control over what columns are defined in #Test or #Source. (I am not guaranteed...

  • RE: Calculating Work Days


    Here is the way I would select rows within a range of N business days:

        // Date range (5 business days prior to @searchDate through @searchDate)

        SET @searchInterval = -5


  • RE: Calculating Work Days

    I have used a "holidays" table with great success.  In it I insert a row for each non-work day (including Saturday

    and Sunday, if applicable).

    This approach is very flexible, as non-work...

  • RE: Nesting Stored Procedures


    It might be interesting in a follow-up article to consider the implications and pitfalls of explicit transactions in nested stored procedures.

    David Rueter

Viewing 12 posts - 61 through 72 (of 72 total)