Forum Replies Created

Viewing 13 posts - 16 through 28 (of 28 total)

  • RE: Is XML the Answer?


    I think that your article is accurate and fair. I enjoyed reading it and actually laughed out loud at some the stuff I read by following the links. I have...

  • RE: select date

    Be careful with your statment ...


    between '2006-03-25' and '2006-03-26'


    if a record on 3/26 is added at exactly midnight + 1 msec, then you will get it. between is inclusive (2006-03-06...

  • RE: How to find all records in one table that DO NOT match another table

    You are right with this test. The first reply was ok too but the test on the second field for null is not necessary. Both solutions get around a potentially...

  • RE: Consolidating Data from multiple servers

    We need a little more info to give a good solution.


    1. Where are the servers located ? local or remote?

    2. How do you connect to them ... over the...

  • RE: What Sarbanes-Oxley Won''t Do

    I think you are right on .. We don't comply with SOX  and I dont plan to. We are actually thinking of moving off shore. We will of course report...

  • RE: All About Transactions - Part 1

    I think this is one of the best articles that I have read here. It is clear, stays focused, go straight to the point, has no grammatical errors (well, I did...

  • RE: Some of your dopiest (sp) Newbie goof ups

    I once showed a new employee how to delete all the files in a subdirectory ...

    Type in   ... delete c:\mydir\*.*    ...

    "but be careful, if you leave out the subdir, you...

  • RE: How do you spell S-Q-L?

    I've harped on this before but those kinds of employees are every where, like fleas on a dog. It's not their fault that they are in an important position with...

  • RE: Teamwork


    You are right, there is so much lost energy from programmers writing the same code that someone else just wrote but there are very good reasons for it. The biggest...

  • RE: Is XML the Answer?

    One of the best articles I have read on the evils of XML (besides my own comments to management). Now that I am boss, I have banned all XML from...

  • RE: Question of the Day for 07 Apr 2005

    Your solution could (and I've seen it happen many times) produce a hugh query which could run for a long time, sending too much data back to the client. The...

  • RE: SQL Server on Linux

    Darnit , I hate that. My 11 year old got me too !!

  • RE: Bug or Feature?

    Are you really surprised. Now that they are public, all the good "old" coders are probably all history and only the young inexperienced new IT grads are being hired who...

Viewing 13 posts - 16 through 28 (of 28 total)