Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 136 total)

  • RE: Executing DTS Packages - Which Machine


    TS access to the server? HA! Like THAT will ever happen!

    The paths issue is why, as a developer, I NEVER use drive letters. If you use a fully...

  • RE: DTSRun runs with error

    Error: -2147467259 (80004005);

    This one drove me crazy for a while. I had a VB program that called a dts package to import an Excel spreadsheet. The error...

  • RE: Calling custom COM objects From DTS

    Custom tasks are very complex. Keep it simple and use vbScript in an activex transformation. Then all you need to do is:

    Dim obj

    Set obj = createobject("mydll.mycustombunk")


    set obj = nothing


  • RE: DTS - How to Handle Column Name Changes


    I've never worked with the DTS designer in VB, but if you can open a DTS package in VB, then save it back to the server, that would be...

  • RE: DTS Export to Excel unwanted single quote delims

    I've tackled this two different ways, but haven't found the exact answer you want. Here's what we've done.

    To write to an Excel file, the best tool available...

  • RE: Referance Source and Destination in SQL


    Establishing a linked server just stores your connection string information in the master..sysservers table as you have in the DTS package. The only ODBC traffic you'll see is from...

  • RE: Killing a spid

    This might be usefull reading material:

    INF: Understanding How the Transact-SQL KILL Command Works (Q171224);EN-US;q171224

  • RE: DTS Package Migration --- File Path Issue

    What doesn't work about it?

  • RE: date based auto generation

    I would definitely go the job route. Set up a job to reset the table once per day. Then it's a simple matter of grabbing today's serial number from...

  • RE: Bulk Insert

    Sounds like there's a char(17) somewhere in the mix. Either that, or someone hexed your sql server.

    A sure way to only get the first 15 characters is...

  • RE: Group By Help

    (Select COUNT(DISTINCT dbo.tblHotelReservations.HotelReservationID)

    WHERE dbo.tblHotelReservations.DateCancelled IS NULL)

    AS HotelResCount

  • RE: DST and SQL tasks

    I really don't know unless the length of table1.col1 is constant. If you know the length of table1.col1 was 3 for example you could:

    insert into table1 (col1, col2)



  • RE: Importing Text file...

    You mean like this? (you'll have to convert to vbScript)

    Dim fso As New Scripting.FileSystemObject

    Dim f As File

    Dim ts, ts2 As TextStream

    Dim s As String

    Set f = fso.GetFile("c:\test.txt")

    Set ts = f.OpenAsTextStream(ForReading)


  • RE: DTS permission. Urgent Please!

    That's the road I was going down. You're passing LoadFromSQLServer the SQL login, not an NT login. The package is going to run under the context of IIS (whatever...

  • RE: DTS permission. Urgent Please!

    ok, so you can create the object. What does the DTS package do? Does the package need file access or rights on the network? What does strError return?


Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 136 total)