Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 55 total)

  • RE: Microsoft Query

    Your initial sum is wrong. It should be referencing the field names from the inner Union query (amt) not FinalAmount, which doesn't exist.

    It should be:

    select a.CountryName, Sum(a.amt) as Total


  • RE: Microsoft Query

    As far as I know MSQuery only works with named ranges. That is all I've ever used.

  • RE: Microsoft Query

    Your Welcome! Glad I could help.

    FYI - The C:\TestSource ref. was a separate workbook for data; wasn't sure of your setup and wouldn't be required for a single workbook as...

  • RE: Microsoft Query

    I had that same problem and it seemed to give me that when I had syntax errors elsewhere in the query. I would double check everything.

  • RE: Microsoft Query

    You could do something like the following:

    select a.Country, Sum(a.Amt) as Total

    from (

    SELECT TheBigData.Country as Country, TheBigData.amt as amt

    FROM `C:\DataTestSource.xlsx`.TheBigData TheBigData

    union all

    SELECT TheLittleData.Country as Country, TheLittleData.amt as amt


  • RE: DB2OLEDB driver problem

    The other thing you may be running into is that the AS400 requires all tables accessed for anything but reading need to be journalled. If the table(s) you run only...

  • RE: Char(9) to Time

    This seems to work for all combinations of time values.

    Create Table #test (

    TestDate varchar(9)


    Insert into #test

    Select '0'


    select '01:00:22'


    select '39:00'


    select '02:19'


    select '-03:06'

    Select TestDate


  • RE: Char(9) to Time

    order by convert(decimal(5,2),REPLACE(TestDate,':','.'))

    Doesn't work for hours:min:sec either: Error converting data type varchar to numeric

  • RE: Char(9) to Time

    What about a calculated field based on the decimal portion of the internal time representation. Such as:

    Create Table #test (

    TestDate varchar(9)


    Insert into #test

    Select '0'


    select '00:22'


    select '00:39'


    select '02:19'


    select '-03:06'

    Select TestDate,...

  • RE: Data Insertion into Access DB using T-SQL

    Do you really need the data in Access?

    If not, you could setup a linked table(s) to the source data in SQL and design the report on those tables.

  • RE: Converting from Gregorian to Julian Dates For JDE

    You're welcome! Glad I could help!

    Thx for the feedback.

  • RE: PATINDEX equivalent

    Sorry, missed that.

    Looking at the existing functions there isn't one to use. I think you would have to write your own function and do some kind of char. by char....

  • RE: PATINDEX equivalent

    While I have never worked with MySQL, looking at the function syntax for it you could use the REGEXP function which looks very close to PATINDEX.

  • RE: Receive AS400 file to windows

    I'm assuming from the .XYZ file extension that the file is on the IFS file system not the native file system as there is no extension on the native.

    To FTP...

  • RE: Converting from Gregorian to Julian Dates For JDE

    I have been using the following to convert to JDE:

    Select (DATEPART(yy, getdate()) - 1900) * 1000 + DATEPART(dy, getdate())

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 55 total)