Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 361 through 375 (of 458 total)

  • RE: The Vermillion Screen of Death (Raw Materials Comic Strip)


  • RE: Finding all data types in user tables

    casc (12/5/2008)

    Hi Gaby.

    If this script should run on MS SQL Server, you have to fix it first!!!!

    BR cas

    Umm...this script ran fine in 2005. Tested in master, AdventureWorks, and a...

  • RE: Security context for dtexec on SSIS package

    K. Brian Kelley (2/28/2009)

    If you already have an external scheduler, is there a reason to run it from within SQL Server? You could set up a batch job to call...

  • RE: Security context for dtexec on SSIS package

    Greg Charles (2/27/2009)

    First question is where is the package stored - in SQL Server or in the file system? If it's in SQL Server, you can take advantage of...

  • RE: TSQL - tempdb

    Chad Crawford (2/27/2009)

    Gaby Abed (2/27/2009)

    How many rows would this return? 🙂 ('s different)

    use AdventureWorks


    declare @tableA TABLE(col1 int, col2 int)


    --stmt 1

    select name from tempdb.sys.tables where name like '%tableA%'

    --stmt 2


  • RE: Perfmon

    sudhakara (2/25/2009)

    ALZDBA (2/25/2009)

    I think it is CU2

    thks for your reply ..can you anyone confirm this what is the latest cumulative update package for sql server 2005 sp3 ?

    Try this...

  • RE: TSQL - tempdb

    How many rows would this return? 🙂 ('s different)

    use AdventureWorks


    declare @tableA TABLE(col1 int, col2 int)


    --stmt 1

    select name from tempdb.sys.tables where name like '%tableA%'

    --stmt 2

    select name from tempdb.sys.columns where...

  • RE: Defragmenting indices on tables with a small number of pages

    GilaMonster (2/26/2009)

    1000 page is the usual rule-of-thumb. Smaller than that and the table will probably be in memory. Fragmentation is a disk issue, it doesn't affect pages in memory.

    The other...

  • RE: Do You Verify Your Database Backups?

    Steve Jones - Editor (2/25/2009)


    I think this works to a point. When I worked at a small company, 3 or 4 instances, 5-10 databases, this is easy. When I worked...

  • RE: Do You Verify Your Database Backups?

    Steve Jones - Editor (2/24/2009)

    You restore all user db backups every day? Automated to a remote server?

    How much data is there?

    It's not all that unusual it seems. There's a...

  • RE: Do You Verify Your Database Backups?

    Jeff Moden (2/21/2009)

    I absolutely agree... It's not what you can backup... it's what you can restore. I do at least one "practice" recovery a week and I'm not the...

  • RE: Negative numbers......

    venki (2/20/2009)


    I have a negative numbers in one of the column. Actually that is temperature min_temp.

    Min_Temp float

    In another table, the datatype is varchar for this data. I want to...

  • RE: Querying small table against very large table, indexing strategy involved?

    Thanks GSquared. I had a sneaky suspicision that was the case, but had to be sure in cases where the table is truly massive.

  • RE: My favorite way to access Excel files

    Jacob Luebbers (2/19/2009)


    You may also want to amend the article to include the Excel 2007 methodology. Eg. using the Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 provider with the Office 2007 System Driver installed.


  • RE: Generate a random password

    J (11/13/2008)

    Nice !

    There also might be confusion between letter "G" and number 6...

    Definitely, feel free to update the script to do so. However, I've also submitted an updated script...

Viewing 15 posts - 361 through 375 (of 458 total)