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  • RE: Question of the Day for 07 Feb 2006

    Jereme - In case of varchar, 2^31 - 1 bytes and 2^31 - 1 characters are equivalent. A varchar takes 1 byte for each character.


    Hugo Kornelis

  • RE: Question of the Day for 07 Feb 2006

    Cory - Thanks for the link. I can only assume that the Books Online author messed up on that page. I've sent feedback about it to Microsoft.

    Peter - There are...

  • RE: Question of the Day for 07 Feb 2006

    Morten - you are incorrect. VARBINARY(MAX) is also maximized at 2 ^ 31 - 1 bytes.

    Giles, Loren - since SQL Server 2000 doesn't support VARCHAR(MAX) and "error" was not one of the...

  • RE: Question of the Day for 07 Feb 2006


    The correct answer is, of course, not 2 ^ 31 but 2 ^ 31 - 1.


  • RE: Question of the Day for 03 Feb 2006

    Good question, but there's a glitch in the explanation of the answer.

    It says: "In this case one value is NULL, and so the result is a 0 of the first...

  • RE: Question of the Day for 27 Jan 2006

    Stephen is correct. The semicolon is a command seperator; GO is a batch seperator.

    Though the semicolon is completely optional in SQL Server 2000, this changes in SQL Server 2005. In...

  • RE: Slow Fixes

    Hi Steve,

    I'm not surprised. When you think about it, it makes sense.

    The risk of releasing patches without extensive testing is high. Of course, nobody expects patches and hotfixes to get...

  • RE: First Poll for 2006

    Hi Steve,

    I've seen this one in someone's signature line in a newsgroup. I'd like to attribute him (or her), but I don't recall the name. Anyway, I was quite jealous...

  • RE: Question of the Day for 21 Mar 2005

    Hi Adam,

    Ah, yes, of course.

    I was taught set theory in Dutch (of course). My error was in translating the English operators to Dutch - I confused JOIN and UNION. (I...

  • RE: Question of the Day for 21 Mar 2005

    Hi all,

    I realize it's an old QOD, but I need some help here figuring out why the proposed equivalency (c) is true.

    Allow me to "steal" Troy's example, but modify and...

  • RE: Triggers for Auditing

    Hi Sergiy,

    There's no need to. An INSTEAD OF UPDATE trigger will enver fire on an UPDATE statement that is executed in the context of the trigger. Cut and pastte the...

  • RE: Poll #3

    Hi Steve,

    Showing my age, I'll say that for me, there can only be one: Tron. (The 1982 original, not the recent re-make).

    Is it the best? No, probably not. But for...

  • RE: Poll #3

    Hi David,

    Are you not confusing "I, Robot" (a very intriguing robot whodunnit, based on one of Asimov's many books in which he explores the weaknesses of his own three laws...

  • RE: Triggers for Auditing

    From the article:

    One might be tempted to think that we would just need to change the last_modified field at the end of the trigger with the actual time and...

  • RE: Finding the Next Business Day Recursively

    Hi Rob,

    While the function uses some nifty tricks (I particularly like the trick to get correct results regardless of datefirst setting; this is a new trick for me), I'd never...

Viewing 15 posts - 3,331 through 3,345 (of 3,345 total)