Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 191 total)

  • RE: What's Your Title?

    My title is "SQL Server Database Administrator/Data Warehouse Specialist".

    I like it and it describes very accurately what I do. This doesn't fit too well on business cards but I...

  • RE: The Industry Problem

    Although I graduated with a CS degree over 7 years ago, I can see how it doesn't necessarily mean that I would be suitable for this kind of work. ...

  • RE: The Good Job

    "no matter how much they pay you"

    Ideally, if most of us refuse to work in the crappy environments, they'll either have to pay obscene amounts of money compared to the...

  • RE: Conflicted as how to move forward

    We had issues similar to yours with our import process, albeit more frequently I imagine. Users would complain, even though there was nothing we could do. The thing...

  • RE: DBA in Space

    The website for Space Adventures has a video that shows them testing the rocket they would use. Really impressive and seems to work well. That being said, of...

  • RE: Give us all the features

    I've worked at smaller shops where we're clearly not an "Enterprise" size of company and Standard edition would work great for our needs. But you see it especially with...

  • RE: What’s In Your (Junk) Drawers?

    The last couple of people to sit at the desk I'm using left quite suddenly so there were a lot of thing that accumulated. I keep batteries in there...

  • RE: The Market

    I tend to go by whatever salaries random and non-random recruiters tell me about jobs they want to put me in. They usually don't say it right up front...

  • RE: I Want Stupid Employees

    At places I've worked and received training it's usually been on more of an "as needed" basis, but the employee was expected to come up with things they'd want to...

  • RE: How do you vulgarize a DBA's job?

    This has been a question that has vexed me as well and I like many of the responses. My girlfriend has some technical skills but finds the fact she...

  • RE: The Oddest Interview Questions

    The one that threw me off the most as the starting question on an interview was, "Can I get you a beer?". Later, "Do you drink?". Seeing as...

  • RE: I lied, now what?

    If it were someone who didn't know what they didn't know since they were rather junior then being straight-up and getting a chance to learn would be best for all...

  • RE: Data Scientists

    I enjoyed the editorial. Getting at least a basic understanding of statistical analysis and all that would certainly give a person a hand in helping their employer get better...

  • RE: OLE DB provider 'MSOLAP' reported an error

    Strange that it works on 2000 but not 2003. You're using Active Directory in Windows Server 2000 functional mode, right? Not an NT domain?

  • RE: OLE DB provider 'MSOLAP' reported an error

    Have you added the Analysis Services server as a linked server on Server_A?

    If that suggestion doesn't help perhaps checking the security logs on Server_B might give you some insight on...

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 191 total)