Forum Replies Created

Viewing 9 posts - 16 through 24 (of 24 total)

  • RE: 20gb temp file and they say "its ok"

    sorry for the misleading info about tempdb. If you remove autogrow on tempdb it will be created according to the model db as Brian says. I increased the model db...

  • RE: 20gb temp file and they say "its ok"

    As Brian says; predicates in the join rather than the where clause, additional indexes (particularly a clustered index on the column being sorted) will help. the other 2 points i...

  • RE: Some strange lock

    I have had this a few times. I tried restarting MSDTC and that didnt work. It seems to happen for me with external procedure calls  (xp_cmdShell, dtsrun etc). I think sql might...

  • RE: SP4 Problem

    cheers that worked perfectly

  • RE: SP4 Problem

    how did you reinstall mdac? i had a problem with and reporting services where it needed an older verison of mdac but i couldnt revert to an older version.

  • RE: character translation into sql

    we had a similar problem when extracting data through an asp application. We thought it was something to do with the money data type and a problem with the code...

  • RE: Multiple files in primary file group

    I have tried DBCC SHRINKFILE ('filename', EMPTYFILE) whish reduced one off the files to 1MB and left the other at 42GB. I coudlnt drop the smaller file as it wasnt...

  • RE: Slow bit field update

    Reply thx for the help.

    I am going to try your suggestions out throughout this month, with a background trace on some key sp.

  • RE: Slow bit field update

    Transaction log is set to 1gb and regularly truncated, then reset to 1GB. The database is set to simple logging due to the large number of records updated/inserted. I am...

Viewing 9 posts - 16 through 24 (of 24 total)