Forum Replies Created

Viewing 13 posts - 301 through 313 (of 313 total)

  • RE: Linking Access to SQL Server

    Iordan Slavov (11/2/2007) wrote:

    Do you mind to share some code? Thanks.

    Also, I have a unpleasant problem with ADP and SS2000/05. When trying to run behind an Access form (in VBA)...

  • RE: Linking Access to SQL Server


    You addressed your question to Wayne, but I would like to reply. I have been using SQL Server 2005 for over a year. I have about a hundred...

  • RE: Linking Access to SQL Server

    I use .mdbs for front-end applications for many of the reasons mentioned above. My backend databases are SQL Server 2005. While I am very comfortable using EM and...

  • RE: Date and Time in SQL Server 2008

    Datetime2? I agree. Yuck. Why not BigDatetime? We have SmallDatetime...

  • RE: Half a Million

    My agency can't afford to buy me a SQL Server magazine. Yet I'm still the only gal around who has to (really: GETS TO) create the databases which my...

  • RE: A Love Hate Affair with User Defined Types

    I thought the article did a great job of explaining UDTs, and then explaining the pros and cons. I was aware of the pros, but not so aware of...

  • RE: Nesting Stored Procedures

    Jeaux wrote: "My question is why couldn't you rewrite the example..." I have a different answer to this question. I once had a stored procedure with a similar...

  • RE: Lookup Table Madness

    I want to reply to the note posted above:

    "But I haven't been able to define, nor have I ever heard anyone else define, a useful generalized definition...

  • RE: Lookup Table Madness

    I have experimented with distinguishing 'code'/lookup tables from other tables in two different ways: 1) adding text at the beginning of the table name and 2) adding text at the...

  • RE: Running a Query Using a Text File for Input

    I, too, am tickled by this great discussion. I appreciate the author who wrote such a clear original article and then seeing the different ways other people would solve...

  • RE: Naming Conventions

    I liked this article just because I'm interested in how other people name their 'stuff'. Occasionally I will try out a new idea, and this article shared ideas in...

  • RE: What is XML?

    I appreciate this article for it's objective voice. I've long felt the same way, but it feels like nice vindication when someone else posts similar thoughts.

    For most of my...

  • RE: Concatenation Stops At 500 Chars (argh!)

    Fixed! Wouldn't you just know it. After strugling forever with this problem, I figured out just one minute after posting this post that the problem was that under...

Viewing 13 posts - 301 through 313 (of 313 total)