Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 466 through 480 (of 579 total)

  • RE: Data Driven Architecture

    Dynamic code such as this is something my company try to practise and preach. In my current data warehouse project we have built a metadata layer that lists the warehouse...

  • RE: The New ETL Paradigm


    There is a migration wizard for existing packages. I have not used it myself, largely because the mapping between DTS functionality and SSIS functionality is so obscure I am fearful...

  • RE: The New ETL Paradigm


    Thanks for your reply.

    Your approach to using DTS is the one that alot of people take, certainly I know I do. And my company do steadfastly.

    You are right that I...

  • RE: Yukon Questions


    I'm on IDW11 which is post-Beta2, pre-Beta3.


  • RE: Yukon Questions

    This feature IS available in Yukon. Its in SQL Server Management Studio.

    Which release version are you on? It wasn't in earlier versions until people complained (loudly).


  • RE: get list of databases

    I would recommend that in future you try a different forum because your question has nothing to do with either SQL Server Yukon or Business Intelligence.


  • RE: Help me blag a new job!!!


    I doubt whether you will find much help around here. SQL Server pros aren't going to be willing to help people "blag" a job in their profession because it kinda belittles...

  • RE: Anyone know where active Yukon forums are?

    This probably won't help you very much because you need a username/password to get onto them and if you had the username/password then you'd probably know about them but nevertheless:


  • RE: Passing Output Parameter From Stored Proc to DTS Package

    In the ExecuteSQL task the '?' symbol is a placeholder for parameters. You can map parameters to these placeholders using the ExecuteSQL Task Editor dialog. Don't forget that if it...

  • RE: Browse dimension problem

    Have you installed the latest service packs?


  • RE: Coupling Outlook to SQL Server

    Great article Terry, I enjoyed reading it.

    I'm interested in the following:

    "I did come across a driver that could be used to directly access exchange as a linked server (I hoped)"


  • RE: Using EXEC with dynamic SQL

    Well spotted. Thanks David.

    This is working fine which is great news.


  • RE: Using EXEC with dynamic SQL


    I *think* I've worked this out. Removing the first comma from the EXEC statement seems to have done the trick. I'm still not absolutely sure of what behaviour this exhibits...

  • RE: Getting Started in SQL Server 2005

    I *think* the most widely available way of getting it is through being a TechNet subscriber. I'm not sure if its on MSDN yet.



  • RE: SSIS forum


    This link:

    takes you to a list of OLE DB providers and the sources they support. At a glance I could see that MySQL, PostgreSQL, Progress were listed on there...

Viewing 15 posts - 466 through 480 (of 579 total)