Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 76 total)

  • RE: Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM', Very straing

    Thought I would add to this thread as I have just had the exact same issue and have nailed the culprit.

    System Center Management Service Host Process

    The network admin set-up SCOM...

  • RE: Backup compression (1st timer)

    Thanks, I've sent them an email asking if there is anything I should be wary of.

    Will post back their advice.

  • RE: Backup compression (1st timer)

    Cool thanks.

  • RE: User mapping

    Here is what I have done and it appears to have achieved the desired result.

    On the 2 databases that I wanted this account out of I ran


  • RE: User mapping

    Thanks, these 2 dbs have always resided on the same server. They are a test and a production of the same application. Bad practice, I know, but not my set-up.


  • RE: .SNAP files

    I don't think this is being used for backup purposes in the traditional sense. I do SQL backups and commvault picks these up off the system.

    In this instance, this server...

  • RE: .SNAP files

    Yep, picking it is Simpana from Commvault.

    Going to get the network admin to call to confirm with them.

    Maybe it has always worked this way but I'm only seeing them in...

  • RE: .SNAP files

    We have commvault simpana which apparently has a SQL Connector for backups.

    Perhaps this has detected the enterprise version and is utilising snapshots in order to do it's thing.

    We haven't bothered...

  • RE: .SNAP files

    Just did and was on my way back to report 🙂

    Seems the sys engineer priovided the incorrect key when installing - this is indeed enterprise!

    So now that mystery is solved.


  • RE: .SNAP files

    Thanks, these are not hidden as I can see them on the file system and under snapshots in SSMS.

    Do you know what is taking them, how it could have done...

  • RE: Alerting when tempdb files have X% free space

    Yep, I have a dedicated disk for TempDB and only TempDB

    This is a Sharepoint (SQL) server so the activity is "sort of" predetermined.

    No other apps/DBs on this server.

    I heard...

  • RE: Alerting when tempdb files have X% free space

    Thanks. As an "accidental DBA" I find a lot of the articles on SQL internals a tad heavy.

    For every article I read that talks of split tempDBs being a good...

  • RE: Alerting when tempdb files have X% free space

    Thanks Jeff.

    Have your tempDB files ever had to autogrow or were they created with an initial size large enough that this hasn't been necessary?

    Our Sharepoint consultants advised the 1 tempdb...

  • RE: Manually update backupmediafamily


  • RE: SQL Auditing Foundation

    Thanks all, I guess what I was looking for was a sort of checklist of both versions.


Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 76 total)