Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 91 total)

  • RE: Split a single Record into multiple lines

    I got you..Thanks much...


  • RE: Split a single Record into multiple lines

    You welcome..

  • RE: Split a single Record into multiple lines

    For Convenience, i have also taken 3 sets for Item/Qty/Value..Is this the solution you are looking for?

    I have created test table with some dummy data...

    use tempdb

    if object_id('tempdb..#testsplit') is not null


  • RE: hard disk crash

    I guess these kind replies bcoz of UI in SSC.

    When we reply in SSC, No history of the post will be shown underneath. that some times confuses users when keeps...

  • RE: Solving SUDOKU thru SQL Code are right..I should have tried first. But when i saw the code i found few oracle objects like dual , connect which am unaware of...hence posted..this was not for...

  • RE: Key Values pairs in string to table

    Do you get the fixed number of columns as output everytime you execute [SP_LogView2]

    --- If Yes, You can have a permanent table with those many column...

  • RE: Bulk Insert of Fixed Length Text File?

    Sample data should have been helped us to help you..

    any way, if the data is Continuous (with no spaces or no delimiters), you can use still bulkinsert to dump into...

  • RE: Making this distinct

    your DB Design and how they related should tell you the answer.

    Does all the columns in your select query (apart from loanid) will occur only once for every loanid?

    if not,...

  • RE: Key Values pairs in string to table

    There are two things. 1) Split the values in to separate columns 2) define view.

    For point no 1) You can use Tally tables (Search for "Tally table" in SSC)...

  • RE: Query

    Thanks all replied...

    Create table TestDiff (DateCol datetime,daysdiff int)


    (SELECT Datecol,daysdiff,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (order by Datecol asc)as RowNumber FROM TestDiff)

    select a.datecol 'Fromdate', b.datecol 'Todate',b.daysdiff - a.daysdiff 'DIff'

    from DaysDIffCTE a...

  • RE: Query

    Garadin..This was plain self join i know....Some time back i have seen a solution to simillar kind of problem in SSC in a different form, i guess they were using...

  • RE: Dump into multiple tables

    Thanks Steve..I guess we need some appliocation (.net) to accomplish the required functionality.

  • RE: Error msg in Sql can't see it

    Set @P_Amt = (Select Sum(Cast(P_Amount as Numeric)) FROM tblArchive Where RunDate >= @First_Day_Prev_Month AND RunDate <= @Last_Day_Prev_Month)

  • RE: Dump into multiple tables

    Steve..first of all..can this be done using procedure?

    No problem even if its tough to do this...but i want to this really doable in a proc?

  • RE: Dump into multiple tables

    am not sure the table names and clolumn names in each table. This new program should handle all..If Proc p1 returns 3 record sets, new program should be able to...

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 91 total)