Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 121 through 135 (of 137 total)

  • RE: Cube size Vs Storage Space size

    In your MSOLAP dir:

    • FoodMart 2000\Sales\ is the cube
    • FoodMart 2000\Sales\ is your aggregations

    These files will be different in cubes with changeing dimensions...

  • RE: OLAP and MS SQL on the same machine...

    You could do this and there can be good reasons for, but you would have to carefully plan your resources

    MOLAP Cubes don't take up much space...

  • RE: Drill Thru using Excel XP againt Analysis Services

    OWC XP is pretty damn good for a free add on to office, but it only has a very minimal set of what a proper BI client tool can do,...

  • RE: big bonus for answering on-the-day


    Would be harsh and would unfairly punish those that cannot answer on the same day because they're away on business.

  • RE: QOD 12 Sept 03

    I checked on the day and most people had it wrong. Today most have it right.

    I tried to recruite someone who knew MDX recently and...

  • RE: QOD 11 Sep 2003


    What I am saying is that in all the documentation I have found indid >= 2 is a non-clustered index not a...

  • RE: QOD 11 Sep 2003


    DBA relevant maybe, but not developer relevant. Especially on a table only containing 24 rows.

    September 11, 2003 at 4:48 am


  • RE: QOD 11 Sep 2003


    4) The data has a non-clustered index called _WA_Sys_lastname_5031C87B

    This can't be right...

  • RE: QOD 11 Sep 2003

    As a general rule any good SQL developer or DBA needs to know their way around the sysindexes table and exactly how sql stores and accesses indexes. ...

  • RE: Create RSS file

    Set up SQLXML pointing at your news database set up to accept templates only

    Write a template file using for xml to produce your xml rowset. This tempate...

  • RE: QOD 10/10/2003


    Keith Henry

  • RE: QOD 9/5/2003


    Although the OS is clustered a single instance is running as a secondary instance on one node. I do believe, unless someone...

  • RE: QOD 9/5/2003

    Two servers Active/Active

    Node 1 A : cls01\inst1 (4 processor lic)

    Node 2 A : cls02\inst2 (4 processor lic)

    cls02\inst3 (no extra...

  • RE: QOD 4th Sept 2003


    I can't agree with the given answer. I ran the query without having permission to xp_cmdshell and got the error stated. However,...

  • RE: QOD 4th Sept 2003

    Useful script:

    Following on from todays QOD (on xp_cmdshell permissions) I thought this might be useful.
    Takes a directory...

Viewing 15 posts - 121 through 135 (of 137 total)