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Viewing 7 posts - 211 through 217 (of 217 total)

  • RE: Combining SELECT statements

    Hi guys,  thanks for all the help.   I fiddled around with it and the query is "working"...meaning it is giving me no errors, but it is not returning any data. ...

  • RE: Combining SELECT statements



    Oh ok,

    This query(combination of queries) is for an ASP webpage.  The page will display information from the schoolrequest, diaryentry, and academicoffice tables.  The schoolrequest table has 3 columns that contain...

  • RE: Combining SELECT statements

    I'm not sure exactly what you wanted, but here's the sql script to create the table:

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[diaryentry] (

     [DEid] [decimal](5, 0) NULL ,

     [DEentryTypeID] [varchar] (6) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,

     [DEkeyValue] [decimal](4,...

  • RE: Combining SELECT statements

    Wow, I think that works for at least some of the queries! 

      But that still leaves me with the last query

    (SELECT * FROM diaryentry WHERE diaryentry.DEkeyValue=10

    AND diaryentry.DEdeletedDate IS NULL)


  • RE: Resultset way too large

    I just used that so I can keep writing AND queries(because 1 will always equal 1)....I guess it does seem like a strange way to approach it.


  • RE: Resultset way too large

    Yeah, I figured that out Remi. Thanks for your quick responses....


  • RE: Resultset way too large

    Thank you Ten Centuries(cool name btw)...but the reason I need the above code is because I am using the #temptable as part of a larger query.  Specifically....


Viewing 7 posts - 211 through 217 (of 217 total)