Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 217 total)

  • RE: problem with function

    Gail, I'm in SQL profiler, and I ran it while executing the stored proc. Is there anything I should be looking for besides stmtCompleted? I see a bunch...

  • RE: problem with function

    Yes, the stored proc is being run via an ASP website.

    Thank you!

  • RE: problem with function

    Im sorry...I'm using SQL Server 2000...what is sp_stmtcompleted?


  • RE: problem with function

    Well, if a page sequence of one does exist, then it prints the results and executes the 2 UPDATEs. If I manipulate the web app such that there is...

  • RE: problem with function

    I added that to the SP and it prints the folderId and the results from the query.

    Thank you

  • RE: problem with function

    It's kind of long, but here it goes:


    * Shifts a page up within the folder that contains it by changing its pageSequence value.


    * @param pageID the...

  • RE: problem with function

    Thanks...I replaced my count with the exists statement, while working, it still runs the 2 UPDATE statements regardless of the results of the EXIST statement.

    I even checked manually in query...

  • RE: can I put MAX and COUNT together?

    Jack, thanks for the post.

    I tried your query, and it took about 2 minutes to run and returned 44,000 results(all zeroes).

    My original query is

    SELECT COUNT(EL.eventTargetId) AS NumberofHits

    FROM na_production.dbo.EventLog EL...

  • RE: can I put MAX and COUNT together?

    Matt, thanks for the response!

    I am trying to get the number of hits for each folder. And I am also trying to get the folder that has the maximum...

  • RE: remote backup

    The problem is, is that due to security issues and network policy(which I cant change), the ONLY port that is open between the machine with Managment Studio and the DB...

  • RE: If Then logic

    Would IsNull work for empty fields or just NULL fields?

    Would something like this work?

    CASE name


    ELSE name

    END AS Name

  • RE: query formation other than that, it looks good?

    Thank you!

  • RE: proper JOIN syntax

    Thanks guys!

    I am using SS 2000...but how could I write this query to be fully compliant in SS 2005?


  • RE: Get percentages

    Jeff...that is beautiful...thank you!

  • RE: Get percentages

    Antares686: I receive an "Arithmetic overflow error converting numeric to data type numeric." error when running that query...I assume I need to do another CAST somewhere?


Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 217 total)