Forum Replies Created

Viewing 12 posts - 16 through 27 (of 27 total)

  • RE: ISNULL and Count using SQL SERVER 2005

    how to get count only for today's date? That is if there is no record for the present day, even if there is for previous days, then i should get...

  • RE: ISNULL and Count using SQL SERVER 2005

    Thanks alot. This works correctly.



  • RE: ISNULL and Count using SQL SERVER 2005

    the table schema is as follows:

    AllocId bigint

    VisitTime datetime

    Cnt int

    LastUpdate datetime

    we'll get the AllocId using the session object.



  • RE: Stored Procedure

    Thank you for the help provided. But when I execute the stored procedure I getting the following error:

           "Error converting data type varchar to datetime"

    Please tell me where may be...

  • RE: Stored Procedure

    My actual requirement is there is an application which is used to reserve computers in the lab. The user selectes the required computers and then clicks a button called "Reserve".When...

  • RE: Stored Procedure

    Sample input is in the form:


    This is the ServiceTag Id of a computer. Basing on this I require an output of the form


    Service_Tag_Id    User_Id   start_time   End_Time    Comments        

    6XXC81S                20     ...

  • RE: Insert query

    Yes. Thank you for the reply given.

  • RE: Server Unavailable

    Hi Prakash Sawant

      Thank you for sending me the link. I read it and it gave me the idea of connection pooling.


  • RE: Stored Procedure

    Hi Ryan

     The error cam when I execute the procedure is


    Event ID: 1001                                             
    Source: ASP.NET 1.1.4322.0                                             


    aspnet_wp.exe (PID:3152) was recycled...

  • RE: Server Unavailable

    If you don't mind please tell me what is meant by "Connection Pooling". Since I am new to development I have no idea on the topic. Thank you for sending me the...

  • RE: Server Unavailable


    The description of the error is as follows. Can you please tell me what to do.


    Event ID: 1001                                             
    Source: ASP.NET 1.1.4322.0                                             



  • RE: Server Unavailable


     Thank you for the help provided. I will try this out and let you know whether it is working or not.


Viewing 12 posts - 16 through 27 (of 27 total)