Forum Replies Created

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)

  • RE: Display the label in the SSRS

    Do you mean 'Point Labels'?

    If so, put an IIF statement in the 'Data Label' expression of the 'Point Labels' tab to test for the month of the date value and...

  • RE: Subscription only works internally, not to external email addresses

    When you set up your subscriptions ensure that they use a fully qualified email address (eg, reporting services email does not resolve email addresses like internal email does,...

  • RE: Using the parameter ''''All''''

    Is the parameter a multi-value one ?

    If so then a 'Select All' option is included with SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2005 SP2, note the missing SP1, it was...

  • RE: How to i automatically export data into Excel Format?


    The keyword here is 'automatically'

    Please provide a scenario of what you wish to achieve

    If users wish to receive a report on a regular basis in Excel format (either delivered via...

  • RE: Report Delpoyment Issue


    What are those smdl files generating the build failures ?

    I have not had any experience with those file types yet and am interested.

  • RE: Security Permissions for Reporting Services - Help Requested

    The Reporting Services Report Manager help file is a pretty good place to start, it describes all of the different roles and users that you can use within reporting services


  • RE: Report Message

    This message is normally associated with the Execution property of the report being set to snapshot and to run on a schedule and that schedule has not run yet or...

  • RE: Really stuck with an SQL query

    Andrew, seeing as this is MS Access why not just use the query builder

    I simplified the columns provided for the tables in this demo, but it will return the answers...

  • RE: Add auto num...

    Assigning these values to the customers on the report has the potential to give you a different number for customers each time the report is run (i.e if customers have...

  • RE: Execute a stored procedure from Access

    Your insert statement contains a parameter named @FolderID, but the VBA code executing the stored proc does not pass a parameter of that name, where does it come from ?


  • RE: how to return numbers for each row in my report 1,2,3

    Yes the grouping is causing it, have you tried generating numbers using a stored proc for the dataset of the report?

    Somthing like this will generate numbers in the Grouping sequence:


  • RE: how to return numbers for each row in my report 1,2,3

    Use the following expression in the column and detail row of your table that you want the numbers to appear in:


    This will generate the numbers for you

  • RE: Last line of csv never imports

    I was having the same problem with csv files created by an external program with a {CR}{LF} row delimiter.

    I got around it by having an the following activex script in...

  • RE: Totalling and Expressions


    I would use a case statement in the report dataset and create columns for each value to be totalled e.g.




Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)