Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 105 total)

  • RE: A very basic question... what to do..

    Seeing as this is a Red-Gate sponsored forum and in the light of your predicament would there be a case to investigate the use and purchase of SQL alert for...

  • RE: Force Kill a session?

    Just my 10 Cents worth

    4730167 seconds is about 54 Days, and even in Microsoft time that's a bit odd that a process would take that long. And I...

  • RE: Rebuilding indexes

    Please correct me if this is incorrect but, there are two types of index Maintenenace

    1. rebuilding an Index and;

    2. Re-organizing an Index

    And the difference is signifigant....

  • RE: Should data and log files be on separate physical disks?

    There really is only one answer to this and that is ALWAYS. And not just a software partition but a separate device altogether. Even if it's a small system...

  • RE: Being More Productive

    Woot. First In ....

    I have to say Blue tooth. No cables, No running over your mouse tail and no Leads to my headphones to get in...

  • RE: Linking SQL 64-bit to SQL 32-bit server

    BTW I have actually rolled all our 2K server versions of instcat back to the original (SP4) and implemented this wrapper. This hasn't failed yet. But a...

  • RE: Linking SQL 64-bit to SQL 32-bit server

    READ THIS RUN THIS It works !!!

    Thanks Marek(Legend) Adamczuk


    Glen (4/11/2008)

    Excerpt from the article:

    "When running 4 part reference query like this:

    select * from sql2000.mybase.dbo.mytable

    SQL Server 2005 x64 runs...

  • RE: How to restore if system database is deleted?

    Opps :blush: Wrong version.

    Thanks for that.



  • RE: which version of SQL Server2005

    If you only need to administer the SQL servers then installing the client tools only is free. And this is just my humble opinion but its a bit rich...

  • RE: Potential Production issue

    BOL is an important resource.



    This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications...

  • RE: How to restore if system database is deleted?

    I hope you have a backup of Master and the other databases. If you can't restore master, you will need the installation media and run rebuildm.exe to restore the master...

  • RE: Absolutely (Not?)

    All java'd up and ready to rock ! Yeah ! Sorry for the tirade and I know not all our issues are Manigerial just seems like it 🙂



  • RE: Absolutely (Not?)

    sitting on the bus pondering the world of data and the conversation here and it struck me, we all very able and competent professionals. and yet the main issue is...

  • RE: Absolutely (Not?)

    My Absolutes

    1. Backups, Backups and just in case it was missed Backups.

    2. No 'sa' access (My sa password is 128 random chars) Security groups and Integrated Security where...

  • RE: Absolutely (Not?)

    Wow Jeff ! you said a mouthfull !! And yes I'd agree on the NO ACCESS. Why ? because it is the calls at 1.00am (Local time)...

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 105 total)