Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 52 total)

  • RE: DTS Package fails

    Agreed. I was just addressing the mapped drive mis-information. Abdul should check permissions, although the error does not seem to indicate that problem.

    I would say that almost 100% of the...

  • RE: DTS Package fails

    Mapped drives only work when a user is logged in to the system (server, workstation, whatever). DTS runs under the SQL Server Agent SERVICE, which does not use any logged...

  • RE: Importing data from Access table to SQL Table

    I don't know anything about time stamps, but importing an identity field is easy. Map the identity field from the Access DB to the identity field in SQL Server, then...

  • RE: scheduled job (a sp) not running

    I suspect you have a major permissions problem. When you run the sp in QA, you are running it using your permisisons, on your local workstation. When you run the...

  • RE: Changing of Field order in a database schema. Is there any problems?

    In the first place, I have never really had any problems moving columns around, but I usually do it in the pliminary stages and there is not much data in...

  • RE: Dropping and Re-creating Indexes

    There has been much discussion around dropping duplicate records, especally when they are not necessarly dupes. In my case, there is an Adjustment Date and Adjustment Time that for some...

  • RE: Can I use DTS Execute Process Task to call Access

    If you are just concerned with firing off a .BAT file, then you don't even need to use DTS, just the job scheduler.

    The only caution I have is be very...

  • RE: Excel Column widths larger than 255....

    Just remember that SQL only has a max record length of 8,000.

  • RE: Max number of rows

    When you export to Access, there is a parameter for the maximum of allowable failed transfers. It's default is one row.

    Usually, when I see this it is because of...

  • RE: How do I determine the row size of all tables in a particular DB?

    Lee's script is great as long as you do not have a row with nulls. I modified the query as follows to eliminate that problem:

    DECLARE @sql        VARCHAR (8000)


  • RE: Do We Need Paper?

    I find it interesting how many users do not understand that scanning a document is not the same as a document file. I get lots of requests to 'Please scan...

  • RE: Do We Need Paper?

    Yes, I do, our church secretary, for one. She prints the Email, files it in the file cabinet, then deletes Email. The pastor has no clue anybody has sent him...

  • RE: Do We Need Paper?

    Interesting reading, thanks. You make some valid points.

    The 'paperless office' has been thrown around for about 20 - 30 years. In my opinion, the MAJOR issue has nothing to do...

  • RE: Printable

    Got Access? If you do, it might be the easiest, quick and dirty way to develop a report.

  • RE: Incurable ODBC timeout

    I am using an Access Project app, and there is an ADODB Connection parameter called CommandTimeout, which works for extending the query time out. You might search for that.

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 52 total)